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Ready to drive to a Revival Meeting!




The name of the Book: "THE OUTLAW SEA"

The author: William Langewiesche

I saw the book in a regular bookstore and it caught my eye.

I sometimes do some collateral reading as I prepare a Bible text for preaching. I had long been interested in Isaiah’s great passage comparing the wicked of the world to the troubled sea!

Here’s the text I had in mind:

"But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked."    Isaiah 57:20-21

The 239 page (hardback) book I’ve read is helpful in several areas.

It has freshly illustrated how very dangerous the sea really is!

The author discusses shipwrecks (including the terrible shape of some ocean going vessels), storms, pirates (yes even still today), and even the newly developing industry of "shipbreaking" (salvaging old boats and tankers and freighters)!

This is not a spiritual book and has to be acclimated to Bible truth ... but it has provided me a wealth of information about the sea!

I do not recommend the book to a preacher just for the sake of having it. (It’s still too expensive, anyway. No paperback issue is coming for quite a while.) BUT if you were interested in the dangers of the oceans ... this is a helpful little volume.

I remain amazed at some of the things he discusses.

No wonder the Jews were NOT a seafaring people! Thank God for the Promised LAND!

                                                                                    --- Dr. Mike Bagwell





The name of the book I’m reviewing today is “Reason.”

It’s written by a liberal Jew named Robert Reich, who was Secretary of Labor under the past Democratic administration.

He is an outspoken Liberal!

In fact this book is subtitled:  “Why Liberals will win the Battle for America.”

The writer nearly hates strong Conservatives like 99.9% of our readers are!

BUT I fear he may be right in his assumption about the cultural war that’s raging in our country.  I fear the Liberals just might win it!

He calls us RADCONS!  That’s his abbreviation for Radical Conservatives! 

Let me share with you a bit of his perverted reasoning.

He says that the moral issues of our day have nothing to do with abortion or immorality or the rejection of Judeo-Christian ethics.  No!  No!

He says the real moral issues of our day center on the salaries of CEO's (Chief Executive Officers)! He says the real sin of our times is occurring in the boardroom … not the bedroom!  (In other words 25 or 30 multi-millionaires making too much money is worse than thousands and thousands of adulterers and adulteresses and homosexuals and lesbians and abortionists!)  I strongly disagree!

He believes the leaders of great companies should not be allowed to makes lots of money … and for them to do so is immoral!

I am myself against some “fat cats” getting rich while their employees go hungry! But according to the Bible sexual immorality will destroy a nation!   So will the shedding of innocent blood (like unborn babies)!

He further argues that our conservative brand of patriotism is wrong.

We (wrongly he feels) want to honor and uplift America to the exclusion of other nations even!  He is a globalist, an international mover and shaker.  (So will the anti-christ be!)  He believes we are phobia-laden with this “terrorism” thing. 

Hear me:  it is wrong to mistreat a foreigner simply because he or she is from another land or culture.  BUT once they begin destroying innocent lives … something must be done!  (I mean in a legal and upright way.)

The Bible never condones mistreatment of anyone.  BUT it clearly states that “strangers” invading a land (that’s foreigners) are indications of God’s judgment on a people!  (Deuteronomy 28:43  --- “The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.”)

Here’s the “premise” of his book as I interpret it.

Liberals believe in “giveaway” government.  Welfare, social services and all the rest! He is betting that brand of "socialism" will win the day!  That the more folks who vote (at least those who WANT HANDOUTS, who feel the government OWES THEM A LIVING) … the more the liberal side will prevail!  And he may be right!

He also (at least in my reading) seems to believe that the “anything goes” philosophy on moral issues will also be victorious in the long run.  He thinks there are very few moral people left … or so it seems to me.  And again, he may be right.

All I know is this.  I’ve read the book.  I’ve given you the “essence” of what’s in it. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY! 

Maybe we will have better success with our book next week!

BUT if Mr. Reich is right … we Christians face some hard days ahead!

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”  Revelation 22:20

                                                                         --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




MAY 24, 2004 (MONDAY)

This book could be called "outdated" I guess.  It was initially written back when Mr. Bill Clinton was President.  But the truths it enumerates are still in force, thank the Lord!

It is entitled "How the Clinton Clergy Corrupted A President."

It is pretty "plain" reading!

The author, Evangelist Moody Adams, gives us the story behind the kind of preaching former President Bill Clinton has heard all his life.  It is amazing.

Where did Mr. Clinton learn to support abortion rights?  From his "preacher!"

Where did he learn to smile upon homosexuality?  From his "preacher!"

Where did he learn that sin is just not an important issue at all?  From his preacher!

I realize that the Clintons no longer hold national office ... but I have a feeling liberal Bible-denying preachers are still ruining lives by the thousands!

By the way, a Clinton could yet again hold national office, you know.

I recommend the book to you men of God.

It has 233 pages and is in paperback.  It is not expensive and can be purchased at a Christian bookstore (or ordered there anyway).

If not, I got mine through the Books-a-Million website (bamm.com).

I am not saying here that I agree with every statement Evangelist and author Moody Adams makes in the book.  But I am saying that the preachers of America badly need to hear these words!  God, give us men with BACKBONES again!

Reading this kind of material ought to sadden our hearts ... AND make us want to earnestly contend for the faith!



                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




MAY 17, 2004 (Monday)

The name of the Book is "Posterity."

It is written by a researcher named Dorie McCollough Lawson.

It consists of dozens and dozens of letters written by famous (and not so famous) Americans to their children. 

These are letters giving advice and sharing values and communicating ideas ... from parents to sons, daughters or even grandchildren.  (Some are from "Dad."  Others are from "Mom.")

Some of them are wise (but only a few).  Others are sickening.  Some are trivial.  But here's the point:  Most of these letters were written later in life when the parents were aware of approaching death.  What did they pass on to their kids?

What a mirror to reflect the morality (and other values) of our land!

In reading the book I was reminded of the letters of the New Testament!

What a difference!

My favorite is Paul's last letter to his young son in the faith, Timothy.

You may read my comments about it on the "2 Timothy 4:1-6" Page of our website. I've hyper-linked it for you in the blue print. 

The book is new and only available in hardback right now.

It has 336 pages and is a very interesting read.

I guarantee you will leave it with a sermon burning in your heart!

                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




May 10, 2004 (Monday)

There is a book taking America by storm!  It is named "The Da Vinci Code" and is written by a man named Dan Brown.

It attacks the very fundamentals of the Christian faith!  It virtually calls everything we believe a "hoax!"

To refute the claims of this pagan best seller ... several Believers have written responses.

This week's book is such a Defense of our Faith!

It is named "Cracking Da Vinci's Code" and is written by James L. Garlow and Peter Jones.

It has 252 pages and is published by Victor Books.

It is readily available in most areas.

In it the authors first explain the wicked plot of "The Da Vinci Code." 

Next they refute its false claims.

There is a good Bible explanation about such vital truths as Jesus' Deity!  (Which Dan Brown denies!)  Jesus claimed for Himself the status of being the Son of God!  Listen to Him in John 10:30 --- "I and my Father are one."

In our book also there's a defense of the Bible as the inspired Word of God!  I believe the Word of God is without error!

There's a fairly good response to the feminism of the Da Vinci Code as well.  (Brown's book says that the church depreciates women!  I say the Lord Jesus respected and elevated ladies ... never abusing them in any way!)

Garlow and Jones also give a pretty good refutation of present day Gnosticism, which is taking over America rapidly!  (While the popular novel is a seed plot for Gnostic theology!)

And through it all the writers weave a sub-plot explaining the real plan of salvation!

We fundamentalists will not agree with the book in every area  ... but I am glad someone is fighting the lies promoted by a Christ denying best selling (still only in hardback) novel!

The book's name again"  "Cracking Da Vinci's Code."

It is for sure an enlightening piece of literature!

I recommend it for its basic message.  (I do not endorse every statement it makes!)

As usual, if anyone buys and reads it ... let me hear from you.  Your "input" is always helpful!

Remember, readers are leaders!

                                                                                    --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




April 26, 2004 (Monday)

Last week I read a good book on the King James Bible.

Its title is "The Men Behind The King James Version."

It was written by a man named Gustavus S. Paine.

I doubt the book can still be bought other than through a used book source. 

(You local library can get you a copy to read via Inter-Library Loan in all probability.)

The book virtually gives you a synopsis of the lives of the King James translators.

It is an interesting history.

And every history of this old Bible that I have read (a number of them now) ... ultimately says that "something" greater than these linguists was involved in producing such a "great" work!

I agree!

Often you will read that "they (the translators) worked far beyond their capabilities on this one project!" 

It is my conviction that God intervened and produced for us in English the precious Bible we all so treasure!

The book has 212 pages including the notes and index.

My copy is in paperback and I've had it for years.  (It was first published in 1959 but reprinted as late as 1988.)

Let's learn some of the glorious history of our Bible.

                                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




April 19, 2004 (Monday)

I read a precious little book last week as I traveled.  An airport or a plane seat can be a great place to study! 

This short (127 pages) volume gives 50 (fifty!) reasons WHY Jesus died!  (Along with a verse of Scripture to prove the point!)

I thought it was a unique approach to Calvary.

Preachers, it just might spawn a whole series of sermon "seed" thoughts!

And we all need to stop and contemplate the old rugged Cross regularly!

The Book's Title:  THE PASSION OF JESUS CHRIST!  (No relation to the movie at all!)

The Book's Author:  John Piper

The Book's Publisher:  Crossway Books

The Book's Location:  I bought mine at Wal-Mart!  Bookstores everywhere have it though.  (Also available "on-line.")

Some of you buy it and read it.  It will expand your horizons concerning our great salvation!

                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



April 12, 2004 (Monday)

I've just finished reading an A. W. Tozer book.  It is entitled "JESUS, OUR MAN IN GLORY."  It is a series of messages he preached shortly before his death.  Therefore it should be Tozer at his best ... his most mature ... his very closest to the Lord!

It is a commentary (12 chapters) on the opening sections of the Book of Hebrews ... and it is pretty good!

It certainly exalts our dear Lord!

It's a paperback and has 136 pages.

I recommend it to you.

My favorite chapter is "Jesus, Standard of Righteousness."

I've never been able to say Tozer was particularly motivating for me ... but He excels in this piece of work!

                                                                       --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



April 5, 2004 (Monday)

I saw this book reviewed by a conservative group and decided to buy it.  I am so glad I did!


It's author is Gabriel Schoenfeld.

It was published this year (2004) and it up-to-date in every way.

It is a sad commentary on the state of affairs world wide (and I do mean world wide) regarding the growing Jew hatred of our day.

It's coming!

Things are going to get worse than even during the days of Hitler.

This book I believe is a "MUST READ" for every fundamental Pastor!

Now, keep in mind that it is NOT a Bible commentary.  It does not discuss Scripture.  I doubt that the author is even saved.   (Neither is it anti-Bible!) BUT it does show how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes daily!

It has 193 pages of text (including the index).

It's new and is only available in hardback.  As few copies will sell (likely) ... it may never be available in paperback.  (It is worth the money.)

We preachers need to know what the enemy is doing against God's precious people Israel.

I still believe Genesis 12:1-3 and plan to live by it.  "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

Read the book.

Pray for the peace of Israel.  Read Psalm 122:6 --- "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee."

                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




March 30, 2004 (Tuesday)

Due to the hours of travel yesterday (7 hours of driving from Cumming to Greenville, Mississippi) I did not get the book review posted.

I therefore this Tuesday would like to recommend to you a volume titled "Four Views of Christ" by an author named Andrew Jukes.  He was born in 1815 in England and died in 1901.  He is an old-fashioned fundamentalist writer with a love for God.

Sister Norma and I are studying the Gospel of Mark this March ... and I've used Jukes' book for the first time in years. 

In his work he compares the different  ways the four Gospel writers present Christ.  Here's a beautiful presentation of Jesus as King (Matthew), Servant (Mark), Perfect Man (Luke) and God (John)!  He does as good a job on this subject as anyone I've ever read.

He also has a book on "The Law of the Offerings" that's great.  In it he analyzes the Old Testament offerings of Leviticus 1-7.

And (as you probably already know) his work called "The Names of God in Holy Scripture" is a classic.

If anyone finds a copy of "Four Views" ... and reads it ... let me know your thoughts!

Go ahead.  Discipline yourself.  Somehow make the time.  Read a book this week!

                                                                                      --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



March 22, 2004 (Monday)

Today I'd like to mention a book to you that I've had for a while. But I just read it over the past couple of weeks.  (I sometimes buy a book that catches my attention ... even though I know I can't read it for a time.)

It is titled "WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE?"

It only has 247 pages but is filled with interesting information.

Written by Dr. Erwin Lutzer, the book covers some areas of life that many preachers just won't "touch" anymore!

Listen to these chapter names:

*  Why are we afraid to judge? 

*  When you judge Doctrine! 

*  When you judge False Prophets (How to recognize them)! 

*  When you judge Miracles (from God or the devil)? 

*  When you judge Entertainment! 

*  When you judge Appearances! 

*  When you judge Neopaganism! 

*  When you judge Ghosts, Angels and Shrines! 

*  When you judge Conduct! 

*  And When you judge Character!

Some of his statements in the book are just classic!

There are also a few little areas where I do not agree with him completely ... but I still read the book with profit.

We preachers need to get back to exposing and rebuking sin!

The ISBN:  0-8024-0943-1

If anyone reads this ... let me hear from you. 

And do remember this ... "READERS ARE LEADERS!"

Always have a book with you.  You never know when you'll have ten or fifteen minutes of "free" time!  (Or five minutes for that matter!)

                                                                      --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




March 15, 2004 (Monday)


Author:  Cameron Thompson

Paperback ... just over 100 pages in length.

This is not a long or complex book, but is written by a godly man who practiced the ministry of prayer every day he lived.

It's full of practical suggestions.

I believe every Christian ought to have (and read) this particular book.

ISBN: 0-9627630-0-4

My copy came from:  Living Light Publications, 1050 Sunlight Court, Madison, Georgia, 30650.

Chapter titles:  The School of Prayer, The Approach to Prayer, How to Intercede, Hindrances to Prayer, How to Pray, and Some Biblical Hints about Prayer.

If you get a copy, you will enjoy it.

                                                          --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



March 8, 2004 (Monday)

I am telling you about this book with some reservations.  The author is not a fundamentalist by any means.  But he IS a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.  And he has struck a chord that is vital to Christian living in these last days.  The book falls into the category of Christian "apologetics."  Now let me explain that term. "Apologetics" here has NOTHING to do with saying you're sorry or anything like that. It's a Greek word that basically means a "defense" of someone or something.  Apologetics is that area of Christian discipline that defends the faith we all believe!

Now to the name of the book:  "Rumors of another world."  It is written by a young man named Philip Yancey.  Subtitled:  "What On Earth Are We Missing?"  The work is relatively new.  It only has 262 pages of text and helps.  It is only available right now in hardback form.  List price $22.99.  I bought my copy on sale at a Christian bookselling chain for $14.99 and got an additional 20% discount with my pastor's card.  (ISBN 0-310-25217-2)

It's labeled in the flyleaf:  "For those who live in the borderlands of belief"  The work is designed to help strengthen faith in these days of unbelief and apostasy.

The essence of the book is the author's belief (validated by Scripture I might add) that all of life draws us pictures of spiritual realities.  That again and again man's existence echoes "rumors" from another world ... heaven!

Ignore the writer's personal spiritual "quirks" and read for the principles behind his theses and you will be profited by the material here.

I especially loved the book because of the many "word pictures" it contains.  (Dozens of them!)  They might be wonderful (spiritual) conversation starters and give you some great pulpit material when beginning a service or just making the weekly announcements.

If someone reads the book, let me know your opinion please.

I don't think I'm heartily recommending the book to you ... just telling you about it.  The Lord will have to lead you.

But it well may give you pastors some "help" in dealing with folks who are weak in their faith.

Of course the BEST faith builder I know is described in Romans 10:17.  "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



March 1, 2004 (Monday)

Let me recommend to you a book that is written by a man who was born in London in 1808. His name is Octavious Winslow and he writes in the old fashioned Puritan tradition.

The name of the particular book:  The Precious Things of God.

I read this recently and it warmed my heart greatly.

Each of us should read a book by some great preacher of the past occasionally.  To me they are MUCH better writers than most contemporary men.

This book has 424 pages.

It may not be in print currently but a copy could be found through used book sources I'm sure.  (Or remember, your local Inter-library Loan Department can help.)

Here are some of the "precious" things he discusses:  The PRECIOUSNESS of ... Christ Himself!  Saving faith!   Our trials!  God's thoughts!  The divine promises!  Jesus' Blood!  Holy Spirit Anointing!  God's Word!  And even the Death of God's saints! 

I have learned by using my concordance that he does not cover every precious thing in the Bible ... but enough are discussed to make the book a valuable addition to any library!

The ISBN:  1-877611-99-2

And as usual, if someone reads it ... let me know what YOU think!

                                                                                  --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



February 23, 2004 (Monday)

Let me relate to you a "book" event in my life.  It occurred several weeks ago now.  As I was pondering the great "call" to preach that God extends to His dear pastors and evangelists, I remembered something.

As a young boy (likely 10-12 years of age) my Grandmother and Aunt gave me a book to read.  It was distributed by Dr. Theodore Epp and a radio ministry then called "Back to the Bible."

It was written by Bernard Palmer (famous for his GREAT Danny Orlis series of Christian fiction books for young people). 

The Title of the book I'm mentioning to you today is just "Parson John."   It is subtitled "A Saga of the Winning of the West."  (He is talking about winning the old West to Jesus!)

This story is based upon the author's Grandfather who preached in Western Nebraska during the late 1800's and early 1900's.

It relates how the Gospel made inroads and won victories in the lives of some rugged (and wicked) cowboys and ranchers and settlers of long ago.  In a town that did not (at first) even want it ... God established a Church!

It is one thrilling story!

Here's why I'm telling you this today.  I believe God used that book to help show me His plan for my life!  I fully intended to be an Air Force pilot!  NOTHING was going to stop me!  UNTIL the precious Holy Spirit said otherwise!  God called me to preach! And, honestly, I could not say no.

I recently re-read that little book.  It thrilled my heart yet again!

Don't YOU have an old godly book that "moved" you in past years!  That drew you closer to your Lord?  That "warmed" your heart?

Get it out!  Read it again!  Let your heart be "revived!"

Charles Spurgeon re-read "Pilgrim's Progress" every year for all his adult life!

Here's the interesting thing about this book "Parson John."  It had been 47 years since I had seen it!  (I still have NO IDEA where my original copy went!) I did not even remember its name for sure!  (I could only remember the names of some of its characters and the author!)

The local library helped me to find a list of all Mr. Palmer's books ... and we narrowed it down to two titles!  (They ordered both "guesses" for me.  The books finally arrived and I FOUND IT!  Or did the Lord find it?)  Two or three e-mails later I had located a copy for sale!  I now own one (again)!

Books do not lose their message!

Read material that will bring you nearer to God ... not drive you further away!

Now ... you go book hunting!

P. S. --- Let me tell you about one more good little book.  It is named "As a Tree Grows" and is by Phillip Keller.  While short (only 94 pages) and simple ... I would still read it FOR SURE if I were going to preach anything the Bible says about a tree!  (Like one planted by the rivers of water in Psalm 1:3!  Or like a green bay tree in Psalm 37:25!  Or like a palm tree in Psalm 92:12!)

If it is no longer in print you can easily get a copy through the "Inter Library Loan" Department at your local public library.  It may take them a few weeks to secure it for you, but it should be free of charge for you as a citizen of the county where you live!

Happy reading!

                                                                                         --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



February 16, 2004 (Monday)

This week I am going to do something different.  I have purchased two or three books ahead of time ... to read in future days.  (I always make it a policy to have at least one or two ahead!)

I cannot yet guarantee you that they will provide profitable reading, but so far they are looking good.

Let me share some of them with you today. 

Someone may be captivated just by a title or an author or a theme.

"Pierced by the Word" by Dr. John Piper (Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minnesota)  The book contains 31 brief chapters ... but it looks good! (139 pages)

"Not Even a Hint" by Joshua Harris (Subtitled "Guarding your heart against lust!") Every man of God might want to remember this title.  (184 pages)

"How the Clinton Clergy Corrupted a President" by Evangelist Moody Adams  (How liberal preachers ruin lives!)  233 pages

I plan to read each of these, Lord willing.

My main goal in maintaining this page is to encourage you to READ godly literature.

Remember Proverbs 4:23 --- "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

Also I appreciate the response you give me concerning the books I recommend.

Someone once told me, "Readers are leaders."

                                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



February 9, 2004 (Monday)

Occasionally I buy a book even when I know little about the author!  The title and the subject matter just captivate me.   I would not recommend this procedure for a young preacher, but last week I found a good little work that spoke to my heart.


It is subtitled:  Eight Dynamics of Effective Christianity!

Author:  Kenn Gividen

Pages:  127

ISBN (for ordering purposes):  0-9717789-7-3

The content of the book is substantial (by that I do not mean verbose ... but worth while).

The writer has divided his material into halves.  The first part:  Hannah's developing Christian character!  The second part:  Hannah's demonstrating Christian character!

The little book is not expensive:  List price is $12.99

Someone get a copy, read it and let me know your evaluation.

Remember, readers are leaders!

                                                                                    --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



February 2, 2004 (Monday)

Occasionally it's good to read a book about the culture in which we live. Scripture commands us to "love not the world."  All one has to do is look around a bit and he will know why this Bible injunction is given!  The world system in which we must conduct our business is growing more and more wicked every day.

I heard about this book some time before reading it.  It is named "SLOUCHING TOWARDS GOMORRAH."  Its author is Robert H. Bork (Judge Bork).  It contains 343 pages of readable text (not counting the index).

It catalogues the decline of American society in a masterful way!

Judge Bork says in the book many of the same things fundamental preachers USED to say!  (Now most preachers have gotten too modern to preach much against sin!)

The underlying thought of the volume is that America is in decline.  (Perhaps even a rapid decline!)

The book is not easy reading.  It is very possible that your local library may have a copy of this work.  Therefore you could check it out there and decide if you can handle the text.  I believe you Bible students can!

The book (in paperback) lists for $14.95.  (You can buy a copy at bamm.com for $11.14.  If you are a "club" member with Books-a-Million, the price drops to $10.02.)

It should grieve our hearts when we see what's happening in our nation!

Somebody needs to be concerned!

This week's book is not a commentary on Scripture.  It IS a commentary on our times.

I recommend the book.

                                                                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



January 26, 2004 (Monday morning)

Title:  "Night Shift"

Subtitle:  God Works in the Dark Hours of Life!

Author:  Dave Shive, a Pastor and Bible Professor who lives in Maryland

Publisher:  Back to the Bible

Pages:  167

Binding:  Paperback

Preacher Shive says that sometimes we preachers get put on God's "night shift!"  That's when we are going through the "hard times." 

He sees the "night shift" as being divided into seven stages, which he discusses throughout the book.

This is a helpful book for those who are experiencing difficulty (or know someone who is)!

I believe the book ends up being somewhat of a commentary on Psalm 40 (at least the first few verses!)

He views the hardships experienced by: Jeremiah, Moses, David, John, Joseph, Paul and Peter.  He draws valuable lessons from them all.

I believe the book is well worth the reading.

                                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



January 19, 2004 (Monday morning from Cumming, Georgia)

I am going to recommend to you (with a few reservations) a fairly new book (October, 2003) this week.

It's written by the godly Dr. Henry M. Morris.  It is titled "The Remarkable Journey of Jonah."  (A scholarly, conservative study of his amazing record)

Of course Dr. Morris presents the account of Jonah as a true and literal happening evidenced by Scripture.

The work has only 135 or so pages of readable text ... but it is throbbing with information!

Since not a lot is written about Jonah anymore ... this one is a MUST for the serious Bible student's library.  (If you order the book you may need the International Standard Book Number:  0-89051-407-0.)

Sadly Dr. Morris says he's not sure that Jesus was in the grave a FULL 3 days and 3 nights.  (I do believe He was!)

He also is a little unclear in his explanation of Jesus being in the "heart of the earth" during the time of His burial.  (Contrary to much contemporary teaching, Jesus DID NOT go to that part of Hell where He was exposed to flames and torment!  He went to "paradise" or "Abraham's Bosom," I believe.)

Dr. Morris follows the old teaching of men like Dr. M. R. DeHaan that Jonah literally died in the belly of the great fish.  Read their explanations.  If so ... Jonah is a true type of Christ in death ... burial and resurrection!

If you could only buy one book on Jonah and could find a copy, get Dr. DeHaan's book "Jonah, Fact or Fiction?"

I appreciate those of you who e-mail me your "reports" on these books as you read them.

Preachers, you (of all God's people) should make it a goal to read at least a book a week (if humanly possible).

You'll be glad you did.

                                                                                  --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



January 12, 2004 (Monday)

I sensed a need to study the Book of Judges!  It's good for us preachers to survey a book of the Bible every month or two.  It helps keep us "fresh" in the Word!

I needed something just to help me get a "overview" (a bird's-eye view) of the whole Book.  I used a little volume named "Be Available" by Dr. Warren Wiersbe.

The material was just excellent. 

Dr. Wiersbe has made it a habit for nearly forty years to "clip and save" every little "interesting" bit of information he gleans in his omnivorous reading!  You can sure tell it in this little book of Judges!

He says that the accounts in Judges are so "current" they could have been excerpted from today's newspapers!  (Man kills all his brothers!  Gang rape leads to victim's death and dismemberment!  Girls at party kidnapped and forced into marriage!  Travelers no longer safe on highways!  Woman appointed to judgeship!  All these events occurred in Judges!)

The author says the book can be outlines in three short words:  Disobedience! Discipline! And Disorder!

It's a paperback book and has just under 200 pages.

(There are many of these books in the "Be ..." series.  My favorite of all time is "Be Joyful" on the book of Philippians.  That's a classic!)

The International Standard Book Number:  1-56476-319-6

Happy reading!  (If that's possible in a book where the key phrase is "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes!")

                                                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



January 5, 2004 (The first Monday of 2004)

I see a whole "explosion" of books today on the subject of leadership!  And I do realize that preachers must be leaders by virtue of their call. And it's certainly good for us to want to learn certain qualities that perhaps can contribute to our leadership abilities. BUT I still have a bit of a problem here.

So much of what's in those "leadership" books is just "psychology."  (The "How to Handle People" kind of thing)  It almost seems to me like it's sort of trying to "out-think" someone or "trick" them into a certain kind of action.

I view godly pastoral leadership through a "shepherd-sheep" window!  I think that's very Biblical! Also this whole area of psychology can so easily ignore the work of the Holy Spirit of God.

I just read this week where a preacher said that he thought that perhaps the best way to become better leaders was NOT to read books about leadership ... but to read the lives of men who were great leaders!  Now it IS spiritually profitable to read biographies of great men like Charles Spurgeon or John G. Paton (the most thrilling missionary autobiography I've ever read) or G. Campbell Morgan, etc.  This is an idea you might want to consider.

Having said all that, let me recommend to you what I believe is the single BEST book of leadership I've ever read.  (And notice:  it is on "spiritual" leadership!)

Title:  Spiritual Leadership

Subtitle:  Principles of Excellence for Every Believer

Author:  J. Oswald Sanders

International Standard Book Number:  0-8024-6799-7

Number of pages:  189

Listen to some of these chapter titles (of the book's 22 chapters):  Insights on Leadership from Paul!  Insights on Leadership from Peter!  The Master's Master Principle (of Leadership)!  Prayer and Leadership!  The Leader Nehemiah!

If anyone is interested and reads the book, let me know how you evaluate it. 

List cost:  $12.99   (Do not pay list cost for any book unless you need it badly!)

Men, set some kind of reading "goals" for your life and ministry this new year!

Paul did tell the young preacher Timothy, "Give attendance to reading."  (1 Timothy 4:13)  That advice is given in a PASTORAL Epistle!

                                                                                   --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



December 29, 2003 (The last Monday of 2003)

Good books on total dedication to the Lord are hard to find!  (Especially by authors who are still alive!)  However I believe I've located one.  While browsing in a Christian book store recently I saw this week's book!  I actually believe the "Table of Contents" made me want the book.  (I came home ... ordered it ... read it ... and now am recommending it to you.)

Its Title:  "SET APART"  (Subtitle:  Calling a worldly church to a Godly life)

Author:  R. Kent Hughes

Publisher:  Crossway

Date:  2003

Pages:  176  (in paperback)

International Standard Book Number:  1-58134-491-0

As you would assume, the book is about sanctification.  (Living the godly life!)

He discusses the following subjects in the light of God's Word:  Materialism, Hedonism (living only for pleasure), Sensuality, Violence and Voyeurism (sexual stimulation by visual means), Modesty, Pluralism, Marriage, Church and the Lord's Day plus wrapping it all in two interesting opening and closing chapters!

Sounds pretty thorough, doesn't it?

If anyone buys the book and reads it ... please let me know.  I like to hear your "reviews" too!

Happy reading!  Remember, readers are leaders!

                                                                                   --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



December 22, 2003 (Monday of Christmas week)

Let me introduce you to one of today's great "defenders" of the faith!  Dr. Henry Morris is a brilliant man who specializes in the subject of "science" and the Bible. He's one of the best at fighting the evil doctrine of evolution. 

The only problem with Dr. Morris is that he's a little hard to read.  In the battles he fights, one has to be quite "technical" at times.  The best book I've ever read on evolution he wrote.  It's named "THE LONG WAR AGAINST GOD."  Every preacher should read it sometime in his ministry.

Let's start with something easier that Dr. Morris has written.  And it's a relatively new work of his (2002).  Name:  GOD AND THE NATIONS.  Subtitle:  What the Bible has to say about civilizations --- past and present.  Number of pages:  176. Number of chapters: 13.  For ordering purposes, the book's International Standard Book Number (ISBN):  0-89051-390-9.  It's a great reference work to add to your library.  List price:  $10.99

Dr. Morris has also a tremendous little commentary on Job.  (I would recommend it even more highly than this book on the Nations!)  If you're interested, ask me about it sometime.

Keep reading!

                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



December 15, 2003 (Monday)

I recommend to you a little book today that is a pretty good reference tool.  You may not want to sit down and read it word for word, but you need to have it for those times when you are ministering to the hurting!

It is entitled ALL GOD'S COMFORT.  It was written by Herbert Lockyer before he died in 1985 and has been edited by his son.  It was printed in 2001. 

It is subtitled "A Thorough Look at the Ways God Comforts Those in Grief."  (However it gives lots of information that will work to comfort those in all kinds of discouragement, depression and sorrow.)

It has 153 pages and is a paperbound book.  It is not too expensive either.  Its ISBN is 1-56563-602-3.

All God's people need to be able to comfort others when the need arises.  The Bible is the greatest Tool we have for this purpose.  Paul mention in Romans 15:4 the "COMFORT" of the Scriptures!

                                                                                         --- Dr. Mike Bagwell


December 8, 2003 (Monday)

I have just finished reading this little book and found it very interesting!  It is entitled "WHEN GOD PRAYS."  The author is a pastor in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The book is a brief commentary on the seventeenth chapter of John.  (Jesus' High Priestly prayer) As you well know John 17 is the longest prayer we have in Scripture prayed by our Lord. 

The book has only 215 pages and does not take long to read.  It consists of 17 chapters and is divided into four parts.  A Look Upward!  A Look Outward!  A Look Inward! And a Look Forward!  (He also divides the chapter or prayer into four headings:  The Father Magnified!  The Believer Sanctified!  The Church Unified!  And the Inglorious Glorified! I particularly enjoyed the book because of the author's unique ability to illustrate his material well.  He is a master of word pictures!

I read the book the last day in the motel in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and then at the airports in St. Louis, Chicago, and Cincinnati!  (I sure beat anything for sale to read in those places!)

It is not an expensive book to buy.  It is beautifully bound.  It would be a lovely addition to any preacher's library.  Its International Standard Book Number is 0-8423-3724-5.

If anyone purchases and reads the book, let me hear from you.  I'd love to know what you think!

                                                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



December 1, 2003 (Monday)

Briefly this week I want to ask you to do something. I would like to introduce to the writing of Dr. Harry A. Ironside. Dr. Ironside was born in 1876 and died in 1951. He lived 74 years, 3 months and 1 day. He pastored (back when it was fundamental) the Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. He wrote about 80 books and pamphlets! Not much of his work is still in print, but it can be found at used book stores and with on-line used book searches. Find one of his commentaries ... and buy it! Read it and see if it does not minister to your soul!

As a young teen-age preacher I read Dr. Ironside's commentary on Philippians! I'll never forget it! How it spoke to my heart! (He is not ultra "deep," but he sure did feed me!)

If any of you older preachers feel you have "outgrown" Dr. Ironside and you would be willing to share a copy of something by him (with a younger preacher) ... just let me know. I'll try to help you with that!

PERSONAL AND PRECIOUS NOTE: My Mon and Dad bought and gave to me a set of Dr. Ironside's commentaries when I was 15 or 16 years old! I still treasure those books! (Now more than ever!)

After you have read Dr. Ironside please let me know what you think!

                                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




Today I want to mention a book by the late Dr. John Walvoord.  It has the title "Every Prophecy of the Bible."  It is not really a book one would probably sit sown and read from cover to cover.  (Although it would be spiritually profitable to do so!  It is just filled with Scripture!)  But it IS a book the preacher will reach for again and again as he studies Bible prophecy!

In these last days it is wise to have a good pre-millennial commentary available on future events!

The book has been recently re-issued by a division of David C. Cook publishers.  It has a lovely new cover (paperback) and contains 685 pages.  In spite of all that, it still is not too expensive!  It lists for $17.99 but I bought min on-line (BAMM-COM) for just $12.06! (And since I had a $25.00 order that day, shipping was free too!)  Remember so far internet sales have no taxes charged against them either!  That's a good deal!

The book is subtitled"  "Clear Explanations for Uncertain Times by One of Today's Premier Prophecy Scholars."  Dr. Walvoord went home to be with the Lord recently!  Now he knows the answers to even more of our Bible prophecy questions, doesn't he?  But I don't think he yet knows the exact hour of the Lord's return!

Happy reading!

                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell

Remember, readers are leaders!




Yesterday I wrote 2 book reviews, and the Lord would let me use neither this morning!  I believe He had something else in mind.  He has now strongly impressed upon my heart the following book.

"The King of Love" is a book that discusses the 23rd Psalm.  It is written by John Daniel Jones, a great preacher of by-gone years.  (Born 1865.  Died 1942.)  It is subtitled:  "Meditations on the 23rd Psalm."

I believe it is wise (as God leads) to preach on the 23rd Psalm every couple of years anyway!  It is so filled with encouragement for today's Christian! 

(If you younger preachers have not read Phillip Keller's book on the 23rd Psalm, do so this week!  It is a classic!  It's called "A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm."  Sell your car if you have to, but buy this book!)

Now Dr. Jones does not take the same view as Phillip Keller did.  In some ways I like Jones' approach better. 

If you read this you are going to get into some preaching of an earlier generation!  The book is well worth your time and money.

I'll say no more.  The Psalm speaks for itself ... and I've now introduced you to the book.

(158 pages ... paperback ... published by Ambassador Press of Greenville, SC)


                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




Today I believe that instead of recommending just a book, I will suggest a couple of authors who are basically expository in their approach to Scripture.

The first is Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  He is an English preacher with much still in print.  He was associated with Dr. G. Campbell Morgan for years!

My advice to you in reference to Dr. Lloyd-Jones is to buy maybe one book of his. (A number of his sermons are now being issued in paperback.)  Read that single work and see if he feeds you and blesses you by his preaching.  (If not, move on to another expositor!) 

I find that the writer who blesses my preacher friend ... may not necessarily bless me as much!  And the writer that thrills me ... might not move my friend at all!  (That's just the way the Holy Spirit works sometimes!)

The second writer today is Dr. Alexander Maclaren.  His work is still in print as "Expositions of Holy Scripture."  It is a multi-volume set and can be expensive.  If anyone ever decides to buy it, let me know and I'll help you price shop!  Maclaren is a verse by verse man ... but the set does NOT cover every verse of Scripture.  He is often very good with word pictures!

Now, listen to me.  I am NOT saying that I (nor would you) agree with everything these men preached in every small detail.  But they were great preachers and have a lot to say to the men of God today!  Get acquainted with them!

Happy reading!

                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




This week's book is by Ravi Zacharias.  Have you ever read anything by him?  He's a little hard to comprehend.  Sometimes I have to go over one of his paragraphs a couple of times, but it's worth it!  (It's also good "preacher" discipline to read something a little difficult at times!)

The name of the Book is "Recapture the Wonder!"  It is for folks who might just be losing a bit of the excitement of the Christian walk!  (No one will admit that, but it happens!)

The book's ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is 1-59145-018-7.  This will help if anyone wants to order the book.

In his very dedication page, the author calls Jesus Christ, "THE SOURCE OF ALL WONDER!"

The book is well worth reading.  It has only 166 pages and will not take long to consume.  Mr. Zacharias has a brilliant mind and he seems to have dedicated it wholly to the Lord!

This book just might be used of the Lord to really encourage some dejected preacher!  If so ... my telling you about it by writing this little paragraph will be well worth the time!

                                                        --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



OCTOBER 27, 2003

The book reviews are posted on Mondays. 

This week's book is simply a Bible study aid.  It is entitled "God's Unfaithful Wife."  It is written by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr., who was Professor of Old Testament at one of our nation's seminaries.  He has a Ph D from a university in Scotland.

The book has just under 200 pages and is in paperback form.  It is in the series "New Studies in Biblical Theology."  It is published by InterVarsity Press of Downers Grove, Illinois.  It has the subtitle:  "A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery."  Its ISBN  (International Standard Book Number) is 0-8308-2614-9 and (in this case) 0-8398-2600-9.  (It has two numbers because it was previously published alone before being included in the series.)

The author studies Biblical marriage ... then shows how God through the Prophets accused His people of committing spiritual (and at times literal) adultery!  The book does a fairly good job surveying the pertinent passages in Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel!  He closes the book with a refutation of certain "feminist" accusations against the Biblical "adultery" motif.

It's both a good review of the preaching of the prophets ... and a pretty good manual on the Christian marriage!

I believe it would be a good addition to any serious preacher's library.  Again I suggest that it would be wonderful for someone to order the book ... and give it to your pastor!  YOU will reap the benefits on down the road!

                                      --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



OCTOBER 20, 2003

This week I am reviewing a little book about prayer. (I try to read a book on the subject of prayer 2 or 3 times a year.) I think we all can learn to pray more and better.

The title of this book caught my eye.  Its name: "They Knew How To Pray"    Its author: Tom Carter    Number of pages: 205      Publisher: Kregel Publications        It is a paperback volume and is rather inexpensive as books go.

The book gives 15 "secrets" from the prayers lives of Bible Heroes! It discusses the prayer lives of great characters of Scripture such as Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Hannah, Samuel, David, Elijah, Jehoshaphat, Nehemiah, Daniel, Jonah, Paul and of course, Jesus. The book ends with a chapter on "Your Prayer Life!"

I recommend the book to you. It is full of ideas and sermon "seed thoughts" to help you in your Christian life. The author, Tom Carter, is a Pastor (First Baptist Church of Dinuba, California) who has written a couple of others books also.

If anyone buys and reads this work, be sure to let me know what you think!

And, remember, READERS ARE LEADERS!!!

                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



October 13, 2003

This week I am excited about a book that speaks to one of the greatest needs in our churches today!  The title of the book is "Famine in the Land."  It's written by Steven J. Lawson, a Pastor.  (In fact, he's the founding Pastor of Grace Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama.)  The book has the subtitle:  A Passionate Call for Expository Preaching.  It contains 134 pages and is in hardback form.  The author alliterates his material under the headings:  The PRIORITY of Biblical preaching!  The POWER of Biblical preaching!  The PATTERN of Biblical preaching!  And The PASSION of Biblical preaching!

I believe the book contains some of the most stimulating "Preaching" statements I've ever read! 

After a brilliant introduction, the author gives four chapters (probably sermons he's preached to his home congregation) that are true to his point ... expository preaching!

My favorite chapter is called:  "Bring the Book!  The Pattern of Biblical Preaching!"  It is taken from Nehemiah 8, one of the greatest revival chapters in the Old Testament!

If anyone buys and reads the book, let me know what you think! 

This would be a great gift for your Pastor!  (I have always thought that a Bible related gift to one's pastor would always yield future spiritual fruit to the glory of God!)

Happy reading!

                                                                   --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



September 22, 2003

This week's book is titled:  THIS GOD IS OUR GOD.  Its author is Clifford Pond.  It is published by Grace Publications in London, England.

The book is subtitled "Enjoying the Trinity!"  It is well named!  

This is a delightful little volume (only 155 pages of text) and is issued in paperback (less expensive)!

I heartily recommend it to you.  He discusses the Trinity from nearly every aspect and viewpoint possible.  I enjoyed it particularly because it enlightened me to a number of passages concerning the Trinity that I had just missed.

Any book that further drives you into the Word of God is GREAT!

Preachers, get a copy and read it!

                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell


September 17, 2003

Book "hint" for preachers ... and others who love to read and study God's Word.  Anytime you have come across an old book that is impossible to buy, I know one way to get a copy in your hand for study purposes!

The answer to your dilemma is found in the local library!  They offer a service just for your type of problem!  It is called "Inter-library Loan."  Someone in your local library will be able to help you.  They have the capability of searching literally tens of thousands of libraries (including old seminaries, Bible colleges, etc.) looking for the very book you need.  (Of course you must have the exact name and author, etc.)  Your library will get the book for you (in most cases it will take them several days ... or even weeks to locate it and get it to you)!  In 95% of the cases it has cost me nothing to use this service!  You must have a local library card naturally!  (If there is a charge, your librarian will call and check with you before ordering the book.)

I use this service here in Cumming weekly.  It is a blessing from the Lord!  They have found for me books of which literally there were only 1 or 2 copies in the whole country!

Naturally at times I have wanted a book that was just not in any library that participated in the Inter-library Loan program.  But most schools, etc. do!  (I've enjoyed Bible study books from Bob Jones University, Tennessee Temple University, Columbia Theological Seminary, etc. through this system.)

Somebody ought to try it!  If you do ... and it proves helpful ... let me know!  It would be a blessing to hear about your diligence in Scripture study!               

                                                        --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



September 15, 2003

Some time ago now I discovered a book that has proved to be great Bible study material!  The name of the book:  JACOB AND THE PRODIGAL    Author:  Kenneth E. Bailey    Publisher:  InterVarsity Press    Published: 2003    Length: 224 pages 

The basic thought of the book is that in telling the parable of Luke 15 (the lost sheep and the lost coin and the lost son) Jesus is recasting the Old Testament account of Isaac, Jacob and Esau for His New Testament Pharisee audience!  (Remember the "prodigal" has a father, an unforgiving brother and a far journey followed by a coming home!  These are exactly the elements in the story of Isaac and his two sons!)

The author draws some amazing parallels between the two stories (dozens of them)!  This read will freshen your view of Jesus' best known parable.

I do not agree with every statement of the author or some of his approaches.  But eat the meat and throw the bones away (as you do with your fried chicken)!

Preachers, we need to study the Word of God in order to feed his hungry people.  Nothing on earth will nourish the little lambs of God like the Scriptures of Truth! 

If someone buys and reads the book, let me know what you think!  Remember what Dr. Wiersbe says, "READERS ARE LEADERS!" 

--- Dr. Mike Bagwell



September 8, 2003

This week I have studied the book THANKSGIVING (AN INVESTIGATION OF A PAULINE THEME). It is written by David W. Pao who is a professor of New Testament at an American seminary. (I wish he had used the King James Version as his base text.)

The book in content is just tremendous! I recommend it heartily! We Bible believing preachers make too little of the grand Scriptural theme of Thanksgiving! Paul wrote much about it ... and practiced in often! The book was published in 2002 by Inter Varsity Press of Downer’s Grove, Illinois. Do not pay list price for it. Order it through some online distributor (Books-a-million for example) and you will like save 25-33%.

Listen to its content. He begins by showing how Thanksgiving is God-centeredness. It means much more (at least Biblically) than acknowledging a gift recently shared. It is in fact a form of worship. He covers the Thanksgivings of Paul in a threefold fashion. Paul’s thanks for things past ... present ... and even future! He includes an excellent chapter on ungratefulness also.

I thought that with Thanksgiving coming up sooner than we realize ... this just might be a great read for the men of God!

--- Dr. Mike Bagwell



September 1, 2003

The first book I’ve chosen to review is one I saw in a bookstore in Spartanburg, SC, several weeks ago.  I did not buy it then.  It was priced too high.  I came home and ordered it via the Internet with a 33% discount!  (That’s how I buy most of my library study books!)

The name of this week’s book:  THE VANISHING WORD by Arthur W. Hunt III.  It is published by Crossway Books of Wheaton, Illinois.

The basic premise of the book is that the written word (anything verbal) in America is falling into disfavor.  In its stead is coming an emphasis on imagery.  (Videos, television, movies, etc.)  Even some libraries report a decline in actual BOOK use and a rapid rise in visual aids!  We are becoming a lazy society in our study habits!

What’s the problem with this?  Our author believes (and I do too) that God has spoken through the WRITTEN WORD.  The Lord in fact forbids that we create of Him “graven images.”  Paul thrice says that God is “invisible!”  No man hath seen God at any time!  We walk by faith and not by sight. 

Brethren, be careful with just using computers, DVD’s, VCR’s, videos, movies!  Stay with the printed written Word!!!  Faith cometh by hearing … and hearing by the WORD OF GOD!  Romans 10:17

Remember Exodus 32?  While Moses was on the Mount receiving the Written Word … the Israelites led by Aaron were below building an image (idol) of a golden calf! 

This syndrome translates into our churches as a de-emphasis on preaching and an exaltation of drama, multi-media, dance, etc.  For me … I’ll just stick with old-fashioned Spirit anointed preaching!  Paul does say, “Preach the Word.”  Let’s be people of the Book!

I surely do recommend the book for your reading.  It will demand some real thought at times … but that’s exactly what the printed word is supposed to do, isn’t it?



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