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 A Preacher in his Study


SEPTEMBER 26, 2014:

It's been a while since I've recommended a book. But this week I read one that's almost essential reading for Preachers today. Written by a man named Robert Spencer, quite the expert on the Muslim Faith, the Title is "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades."

Most of us are far too ignorant on the subject of the Crusades. And they have certainly been hijacked and re-interpreted in today's revisionist culture. This book gives a fair and accurate portrayal of those long-ago events. Also why they were fought.

Buy and read!

The book contains around 270 pages, was first published in 2005, and can be bought for less than $12.00 on Amazon.

                --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



AUGUST 2, 2008:

I have continued the habit, the pleasure really, of reading at least one book each week. However, it's been quite some time since I last recommended a Volume to you Preachers.

Well, this one is a must!

It ought to be required reading!

The Book is about ... other books!

It is titled "10 Books That Screwed Up The World."

Do not be alarmed by that title either. I would have worded it differently, probably the author would have too. Books are often named by their editors or publishers anyway.

The Book is written by Dr. Benjamin Wiker.

It enfolds 260 pages, counting the index.

It is powerful!

It's a review of just over a dozen "poison" books that have been published in the world over the past 500 years so so.

We Preachers need a grasp of what has been written against our Faith!

Listen as this writer, Dr. Wicker, tears to pieces the false arguments of people like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Adolph Hitler (whose writings are again becoming popular), Sigmund Freud, and a couple of the promoters of the so-called sexual revolution too.

Briefly meet some of the atheistic philosophers of yesteryear, men who have not yet died as far as their influence is concerned. People like Descartes, Machiavelli, Hobbes and Rosseau.

This is tough reading, but vital to pulpiteers today!

The book lists for $27.95 but can be bought on-line for much less. Even used copies soon will be available. This is the kind of book your local library is apt to buy and make available free of charge too! That is, if you will request it.

This tome will make you love your Bible more than ever before!

Buy it!

Read it!

Keep it!

Refer to it as occasion demands, which I suspect will be often.

Remember, readers are leaders!

                                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



APRIL 14, 2007:

The book I am about to recommend to you has certainly been a blessing to me! It's relatively new and is nearly thrilling in parts!

The title is "Adopted Into God's Family." Subtitled "Exploring A Pauline Metaphor," it lives up to its name!

Five times the Apostle Paul mentions "adoption" in his writings. In fact, he is the only Bible author who uses the word at all.

Three times in Romans, Paul's masterpiece, the word occurs, Romans 8:15 and 8:23 and then in 9:4.

Then it can be found once in Galatians, to be exact 4:5, and again in Ephesians, in the opening chapter's fifth verse.

Either the doctrine of adoption is today somehow overshadowed, maybe due to the beauty of other salvation themes like redemption or justification or propitiation, or it is so clouded in historical obscurity that we preachers seldom mention it.

Either way, it needs to be resurrected and taught and held before the Lord's people!

It is an encouraging truth!

The author, about whom I know virtually nothing except the fact that he is a teacher, is named Trevor J. Burke.

The Publisher is InterVarsity Press but under its Apollo imprint.

It contains 233 pages, including the index.

It contains eight chapters.

Things particularly enjoyable about this volume include its discussion of the historical background of the practice of adoption, at least as Paul would have know it! Then a brief but sufficient exposition of the Galatians and Ephesians and Romans Texts follows. Another thing, all the book includes a strong Trinitarian emphasis, apparently adoption is the work of the Father, Son and Spirit in communion! So believes Paul anyway!

Anyone purchasing and reading this work will be grateful you visited here today!

And, if you're a preacher, your people will be enriched by your time in Paul's five adoption Texts! That is, if you share it with them!

If someone buys and reads, let me know your estimate of the book. After all, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17

                                                                         --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



JANUARY 15, 2007:

I was browsing in a Christian bookstore.  

There it was.

It caught my eye, but aroused my spirit as well!

The title is "Deceived On Purpose."

It is subtitled "The New Age Implications Of The Purpose-Driven Church"

The book is authored by a man named Warren Smith, who was converted to Christ Jesus out of a New Age background.

The little volume only contains 211 pages including the index.

It was copyrighted in 2004 and reprinted again that same year with subsequent printings occurring in both January and September of 2005.

The attitude of the whole work is not one of ugliness or bitterness, but it sure is eye opening!




You just would have to read it to understand it, therefore I am highly recommending it to my Preacher friends.

It is worth your time.

For those of you who want to order a copy, the ISBN is 0976349205.

Its list price is $12.95 but can be purchased on-line for less.

For a long time I've been concerned about certain New Age terms and expressions working their way into our Biblical vocabularies.

This author documents some of those terms and gives us their origins!

To any Preacher sincerely desiring to warn his people about wolves near the pasture, take note!

This is the next book you will want to read.

                                                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



AUGUST 14, 2006:

The book is NOT published by a religious organization.

It is not written by a preacher.

In fact, it is written by a woman ... who happens to be saying some things that preachers lost the courage to say a long time ago!

I realize that I recommend this book at some risk. A few of you will strongly disagree with my selection. But the essence of what is said in this text is so valuable to today's "culture wars" that I must suggest it to you.

I believe it's the author's best book yet.

The title is "Godless" and the author is Ann Coulter.

Now don't let recent (liberal) news commentators deceive you concerning this young lady. Read what she says in context, not when twisted by some spin doctor!

She makes a strong case that liberalism, that mind-set, that world-view, is indeed a religion!

Their soft stand on crime, the love for abortion, their radical feminism, their senseless approach to education and unquestioned support for godless teaching platforms, their mockery of true science (when it opposes their political and social agendas) and their rabid devotion to evolution, denying the Creator God ... all are "targets" of this book!

Preachers, while not one of us will agree with everything she says ... the book is worth your time. In some areas she is wrong, like some of her statements regarding evolution. Yet she fights Darwinism tenaciously!

But in most areas she is right, "gun-barrel straight" as the old-timers used to say!

Buy the book.

Read the book, all 281 pages.

It will stir your soul.

The only sad thing is that this author is having to say things that the pulpits of our land used to thunder forth week after week!

Where has "preaching against sin" gone?

Why have we become so fearful?

We're indeed in a spiritual battle!

                                                                                  --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



JUNE 5, 2006:

Finally, another Monday Book Review!

I heard about this volume driving home from a Revival Meeting recently. I was listening to the radio.

It is written specifically for men who have been tempted in the area of pornography. I mean on the internet or via books and magazines or even in real life.

Even the author is a former "addict" whom God has delivered.

Delivered many years ago.

Preachers, you well may have men in your church who are fighting this battle right now. It is one of the "secret sins" of our day!

The Book's Name: The Game Plan

Author: Joe Dallas

ISBN: 0-8499-0633-4

It has thirty chapters, a total of 224 pages, and a lot of practical step-by-step ideas for overcoming that wicked stuff.

It is subtitled "The Men's 30 Day Strategy For Attaining Sexual Integrity."

As usual, I do not agree with every premise in the book. But ... it's worth the purchase price!

It well could help some godly Preacher encourage a struggling brother in the church.

If anyone buys it ... let me know your evaluation too!

                                                                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



MAY 26, 2006:

This book is not perfect, but I do recommend it. It fills a void that Christian literature seldom addresses.

The title: The Universe Next Door

Subtitle: A Basic Worldview Catalog

Author: James W. Sire

Pages: 259, including index

Chapters: 10

ISBN: 0-8308-2780-3

This text is a summary of today's popular philosophies.

It's an exposition of worldliness!

Without giving dangerous details, the reader here will learn the fundamentals of nihilism or postmodernism or naturalism, philosophies that we need to be able to combat!

And one of the things I like best about this work is how it links these false beliefs, showing how one develops from the failure of its predecessor.

Deism is a weakened form of Theism for example.

And its conclusion is not bad either! This old world system, without an intervention from Heaven, is headed for chaos!

Mankind is loosing his ability to think logically, and is proud of it!

Don't expect to agree with all you read In Universe Next Door, but do expect to learn a lot!

Preachers, there is ammunition here with which to fight the devil!

                                                                                   --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



MAY 15, 2006:

I still read regularly. At least one book a week, often more! But Books one can fervently recommend are becoming scarce!

However, this one I must mention.

"Witchcraft Goes Mainstream" is a frightening piece of literature. It is written by a man, Brooks Alexander, who has given his born-again life to studying the occult and other false religions.

I do not agree with everything he says, but he does show why paganism and witchcraft and wicca are making such an astounding comeback in America.

It's worth your time ... preachers especially!

Harvest House Publishers ... Copyright 2004 ... ISBN 0-7369-1221-5

Seven chapters ... 284 pages

Some of its chapter titles:

     What exactly are we talking about?

     The Halloween witch is dead!

     Witchcraft in popular entertainment!

     Three myths about modern witchcraft!

     *And ... Witchcraft, Christianity and cultural change!

That last section, the one I marked with an asterisk (*) is worth the book!

The appendix article about witchcraft in the military is very enlightening too!

Some reading is not a delight ... but a duty!

                                                                                  --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



OCTOBER 17, 2005:

Yes, I still try to read at least one book per week.  Often I get two or more, depending on my travel schedule.

Then ... why no Book Reviews for so long a time?

Well, much of what I read in refuting error just can not be recommended!

Especially to younger preachers!

Also ... I believe not as much really good material is being written today!

Most of the real "digging" a preacher has to do now MUST come from mines opened long ago!  There the real "nuggets" are found!

So, Brethren, I just suggest that you look in old bookstores everywhere you go!

I view each such trip as a "fishing" expedition!

Fishing for gold!

I recently learned that an old writer, Dr. Herbert Lockyer, has a host of smaller books that used to be in print! 

Dozens of them!

I've obtained a few lately (via the "Inter-Library Loan Program" at my local Library) and they have been particularly good!

Go to a book search location and type his name "Herbert Lockyer" and you will be surprised at the results!

Of course we all know Dr. Lockyer for his famous "All ..." Series.  Titles such as "All the Promises of the Bible."

Now enjoy the "hunt" for his little books and booklets as well!

They are good too!

                                                                          --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



MAY 9, 2005:

I bought the book just to "sample" it.

I am extra careful about "reconstructions" of Bible history.

But ... I was pleasantly surprised!

This little title is a re-telling of the story of the Apostle Paul's second missionary journey.

It is both true to the Bible text and accurate in the historical data it incorporates into the story.

In fact, it's almost like reading a smoothly flowing commentary in some ways!

The name:  The Silas Diary

The author:  Gene Edwards

The ISBN:  0-8423-7162-1

What an interesting way to brush up on the details of that part of Luke's account from the book of Acts!

What a "vessel of honour" Paul was!

                                                                                        --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



APRIL 26, 2005:

For years I have tried to make it a habit to read at least one book per week.  Some weeks, depending on the schedule, I get in more.

Yet when it comes to recommending books ... especially to Preachers ... one has to be careful.

That's why lately I've not had a suggestion each week.

In that dearth of good reading material ... I offer one idea.  It's a little booklet written years ago by a Preacher named Dr. M. R. DeHaan.

The work is titled "The Blunders Of Paul!"

(I wrote the Radio Bible Class, the ministry which Dr. DeHaan founded and led for many years ... and they told me they did not even have a single copy of the book ... not at all!  I had lost mine years ago, yet the Lord had brought the subject to my mind in recent days!)

Our local librarian (at the public county library) found me a copy through a computer book search they can now do.  It was in a library in Louisville, Kentucky.  In fact, this is the only copy in any library in the nation ... at least as best we can tell!

The Seminary there would not ship us the book ... but they did let me pay them to copy it!  No problem ... it is only 32 pages!  They made me a photostatic copy and mailed it!  I paid them and have enjoyed the booklet very much!

I recommend it highly to Preachers!

The main premise of the book (boldly) asserts that Paul was not perfect!  (No, the Pope isn't either!  Nor the Virgin Mary!  Only Jesus is sinless!  Otherwise, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23)

Now I'm preaching when I'm supposed to be reviewing a book!

Dr. DeHaan shows how Paul failed to heed warning after warning God sent him about that last trip to Jerusalem.  The one in which he got arrested and hauled off to Caesarea and then Rome!

Paul just may have missed God's Will on that one!

I think the book is great in that it shows us that even the great Preachers can make mistakes ... and still be used of God!

God turned Paul's "error" into a great preaching and writing opportunity!

"Where sin abounded Grace did much more abound!"

The problem is that I doubt you can get a copy of this anywhere ... unless you know an old saint who collected those booklets years ago.  Dr. DeHaan died and went to Heaven in 1965.

However, if you really want one, write me.  I have an idea or two to help you.

If someone is "hungry" for a good study on Paul ... this is it!  What an unusual but kind view it presents of the Prince of Apostles!

Isn't it sad that today one has to read old books to get help?  The new ones often are lacking in real spiritual meat!

Folks, do remember ... "Readers are leaders!"

                                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




I read this book last week.  It certainly had a message for me.  It brought me to a fresh appreciation of the amazing Grace of God!

The title of this volume is "The Religions Next Door."

It's written by a brilliant author, Marvin Olasky.

The premise of the book is that Americans more and more have neighbors who are not necessarily fundamental Baptists!

Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims (among others) are entering our Country en masse.

This book reviews (two chapters each) these religions, giving the essence of their beliefs.

It is an eye-opener for sure!

Then an interesting little twist comes ... Mr. Olasky in closing surveys how the American Press treats each of these so-called faiths ... in comparison to how it treats Christianity!

I can guarantee you that it will be hard to put the book down once you've started it.

You will easily learn enough through its pages to justify the reasonable cost of your investment!

And ... as I often ask ... if someone buys and reads it, let me know your opinion too! 

And do remember ... readers are leaders!

                                                                         --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



MARCH 28, 2005:

I heard this author being interviewed on a Christian radio station driving home late one night.  I had preached ... was very tired ... and longed for some spiritual fellowship on the way back to Cumming!

God provided it!

Every Christian should (and ever Preacher must) constantly be on guard ... "redeeming his time!"  It's so easy to waste an hour!   (Some even waste days!)

Enter this week's Book:  "How the News Makes Us Dumb!"

Author:  a Christian history professor who is named C. John Sommerville.

This little paperback volume is filled with wisdom about one of our greatest "time-killers!"  That is ... the constant sources of daily (even hourly now) news!

One can invest (no, make that waste) a lot of time in front of a television!

The Book is subtitled "The Death Of Wisdom In An Information Society!"

It's 155 pages have some "golden nuggets" to quote ... when tempted to watch an hour or two of news!

The so-called "news," as it is packaged in America today, is no friend to Bible believing Christianity!  For sure!

This writer is not recommending that we stay ignorant!  However, he's sure got a "better" idea than CNN or CNBC or even FOX (which is not nearly as "balanced" as they might say!)  In fact, I think they are all getting more liberal and anti-Christian as the months pass!

Preachers, all I know to tell you is buy the Book (rather inexpensive) and read it!

I think you will end up with more time on your hands as a result of your effort!

Spend it ... studying your Bible!

The Book's ISBN:  0-8308-2203-8

If someone reads this one ... I'll be getting a note of thanks one of these days!

                                                                                   --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



MARCH 10, 2005:

This is an unusual little Book.

I saw it years ago and have read and re-read it several times.

It covers a topic no one else will even "touch!"

It's an analysis of the Imprecatory Psalms!

(The Psalms that pray God's Judgment upon the unrepentant wicked!)

Most folks just ignore these chapters of God's Word ... explaining them away with some flippant "grace" comment.

Well, I'm not going to scrap whole chapters of the Bible!

I believe it's ALL inspired of God.

WAR PSALMS OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE is the Title of the Book I'm discussing today.  It is subtitled "Lessons From The Imprecatory Psalms."

First published back in 1991, it still has a message for this hour ... maybe even more so!

Its author is a man named James E. Adams.

He is a Pastor.

The Book has only 126 pages and is still available.

Its ISBN is 0-87552-093-6.

I like the way he handles his material.

As we live in ever increasing days of wickedness and hatred of the Church (and Israel), we just may need these Psalms more than ever!

Some of you order the book ... read it ... and, as God leads, preach one of those Imprecatory Psalms!

You will still be proclaiming the Word of God!

Help your people prepare for the time when the enemy may "come in like a flood!"  Read Isaiah 59:19 --- "So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him."

                                                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



FEBRUARY 21, 2005:

This book I've known most of my life.

My Uncle, who was an Evangelist, loved it dearly!

He even had several thousand copies of it reprinted for distribution among the people of God!

The title:  The Glories Of The Cross

The author:  A. C. Dixon

Dr. Dixon pastored the well-known Spurgeon's Tabernacle in London for several years (Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle).

In this book he just magnifies our dear Lord Jesus.

It has short chapters, each dedicated to some lovely aspect of the old rugged Cross!

I do not think it's any longer in print.

I can't even find an ISBN for it.

But this morning I did find a couple of copies of it on google.com, one for $1.99 and the other for $7.50 ... not bad prices!

Also e-bay listed one ... although I've never bought anything through them and cannot comment on their efficiency.

But, if you can find it ... buy a copy.

If not ... let your local library get you one for a few days (free) via the Inter-Library Loan Program.

I believe you'll treasure it.

Happy reading!

                                                                          --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




I read the book some time ago.

I think a lot of you will really appreciate it.

It is named "My Plea For the Old Sword" and is written by Dr. Ian Paisley.

It is an appreciation of the old "Authorized Version" of the Bible, the King James Version.

Published in 1997, its international standard book number (ISBN) is 1 84030 015 9. This information helps if you want to order a copy.

In the Book Dr. Paisley covers such subjects as the text upon which the KJV (King James Version) rests!  He teaches us it is a superior text!

He even discusses the saintliness and scholarship of the KJV translators!

He praises the translation techniques which the men employed.

He mentions the pristine language and holy chastity of the old Book too!

And of course the Preacher "hits" the way the KJV so reverently handles the great fundamental doctrine of the Faith!  (For example, it exposes sexual perversion as the horrible sin it truly is!  It does NOT water it down to a mere indiscretion!)

Now you may not agree with every word of the book ... but you will respect its main thrust!  It is certainly what its name implies --- a plea for the Old Sword, the English Authorized Version of the Bible.

Publisher:  Ambassador Press

Length:  111 Pages of text

May the Lord bless your reading time ... when spent on the holy themes of godliness and not in the garbage of this world!

Remember ... readers are leaders!

                                                                            --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



JANUARY 24, 2005 (MONDAY):

It's a short book with only 112 pages.  And, as with most books today, I can't recommend everything in it.  But this title is well worth reading.

It teaches us Biblically how to handle hard times, the difficult areas of life.

It is named "The Red Sea Rules."

Its author is Robert Morgan.

Its ISBN (for ordering purposes) is 0-7852-6649-6.

It is an exegesis of the 14th chapter of Exodus, the miracle of the Red Sea!

It has 10 chapters, each describing the next move God had his people make in crossing that seemingly impossible obstacle!

The book is inexpensive and should be read by any preacher who longs to help folks in "tight" spots!  (Or get ready for his own coming difficult area in life!)

After all ... Paul taught his converts in this manner:  "Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."  Acts 14:22

Preachers, God may give you some useful "thoughts" as you read this text.

It's worth adding to your library.

                                                                           --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



JANUARY 17, 2005 (MONDAY):

I read the Book last week.

I am not saying that I agree with every sentence in its 207 pages of text.

But it has plenty of helpful material on the superiority of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Title:  Christ Among Other gods

Author:  Erwin W. Lutzer

Publisher:  Moody Press

Subtitle:  A Defense of Christ in an Age of Tolerance.

In this work Dr. Lutzer proves that our Saviour is unique (The God-Man) in the areas of His Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Powerful Word, Vicarious Death, Literal Bodily Resurrection, Miraculous Ascension, and Future Return!

The gods of this world are sort of "left in the dust!"

You should have no trouble finding a copy of the book.  It's been around since 1994 and any library can easily get it for you for a week or two.  Use their "Inter Library Loan" Department.  Also copies may still be bought (new or used).

Remember, "Readers are Leaders!"

                                                                                    --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




No, I have not quit reading.

I still try to complete at least a book a week ... but ... I have not come across anything outstanding lately.

The book I finished Wednesday was an old one.  The Library found it for me using their inter-library loan program.

It is entitled "The Star of the Wise Men" and is written by R. C. Trench. 

(The same R. C. Trench who is known for his word studies and lexicons.  "Synonyms of the New Testament")

The book is especially appropriate at Christmas.

It only has 118 pages or so.

It is an exposition of Matthew chapter 2.

In this work the author does a good job explaining the wise men and the star and the birth of Jesus.

Your heart will be warmed as your read of our dear Saviour.

This volume handles Him reverently and with honor.

If you can get a copy, your time (and money) will be well invested.

Christian friends ... especially you Preachers ... keep reading!

                                                                                      --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




As is my usual method, I first saw the book in a Christian Bookstore.  I thought about it for a week or two ... then ordered a copy.

Even upon receiving it, I didn't read it right away.  Too many commentaries and technical works to study I guess.

But a few days ago I started it. 

About half way through, I knew I was going to recommend it to you.

The title is "The Way of the Shepherd."

The authors are Kevin Leman and William Pentak.

The book is in essence a review of the Bible traits of a good shepherd.

But it applies those Scriptural principles to leadership roles in almost any area of life.

You Pastors will especially enjoy it!  You lead a "flock" weekly.

And you businessmen who employ folks (a few to a good many) will benefit from this tremendously!

It could be life-changing!

It is not a commentary ... but will help you better love and care for those whom God has called you to serve!

Every "Daddy" ought to read it too.  (We men are to shepherd our wives and children to the glory of God as well!)

It's short (120 pages or so).

It's inexpensive. 

But it's good!

It is told in narrative form ... but you will get the message!

Read it!

Remember, although this week's book would not necessarily agree with me here ... readers are leaders.

                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




It's just a little book.  I probably would not even mention it except that it treats such an unusual aspect of our Lord's life and ministry.

Title:  The Silences Of The Master

Author:  John Walker Powell, Jr.

Published in 1904

Several times during our Lord's earthly sojourn He refused to talk to people or declined to answer a question from someone!  This little volume catalogues those events and makes an interesting Bible Study!  This author says that 6 times in the Gospels this happened!  He talks about Jesus before Pilate and then again before Herod during His trial.  Then it happens a second time before Pilate!  (Jesus is silent!)  The writer even includes the account of the woman taken in adultery where Jesus " ... stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not."  (John 8:6) He lastly discusses the Syro-Phenician woman who seems to have been so rejected by our Lord ... yet who by faith prevailed!  (Matthew 15 and Mark 7).

It only has 62 pages and is not hard to read at all.

I just thought some of you might be interested.

Of course this good book (along with thousands of others) is no longer in print.  You will have to search for it ... but copies are available. 

If you can't get access to one anywhere, let me know.  I'll be glad to offer you a few suggestions.  (Caution:  Don't pay over $15.00 or so for this book.   It is possible to get a copy through your local library system and you can then study it a few days for free!)

Keep reading!

Study the Word!

                                                                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




I found the Book is a used bookstore during a Revival week in Missouri.

It captured my heart.

I love to preach about the Blood of Jesus anyway!


Subtitle:  The Blood of Jesus

Author:  A. Paget Wilkes  (Of whom I know absolutely nothing except that he honors the Blood!)

Caution:  Because I recommend an author or a book ... that does not necessarily mean that I endorse EVERYTHING the man says!  Even this Blood book contains some paragraphs with which I do not agree.  He seems to endorse infant baptism, for example!  I do not believe in that at all.  But this is what I do.  I accept the truth he gives (rejoicing in the Blood of Jesus) ... and I reject the error.  You must do the same ... or forget the book immediately!

I happened to get a fourth edition copy (published in 1954) ... though other editions are available (if that matters to you).

It was published by Christian Literature Crusade in London.

It has 160 pages of text ... all about the Blood of our Lord!

Think of it:  Sixteen (16) chapters on the Blood!

Here are some of his main points:

Revelation through the Blood!

Conviction through the Blood!

Propitiation through the Blood!

Peace through the Blood!

Forgiveness through the Blood!

Regeneration through the Blood!

Sanctification through the Blood!

Redemption through the Blood!

Consecration through the Blood!

Access through the Blood!

Assurance through the Blood!

Victory through the Blood!

Life through the Blood!   And ...

Condemnation through the Blood!


Men of God, that could be the foundation for a great series of sermons!

During the past few months ... you all have gotten better than me at locating these old treasures!

If someone finds a source for this one ... e-mail me and I'll gladly pass it on.  I sometimes use a source called alibris.com for my used book searches.

This is a good book!  (I paid too much for mine ... $15.00 ... but just had to have it!)

Preachers and teachers, remember ... readers are leaders!

                                                                        --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



OCTOBER 18, 2004 (MONDAY):

This book will be hard to find.

I wouldn't even recommend it but it is just precious!

Our local librarian looked long and hard to locate me a copy to use for a couple of weeks.

We had to use the "Inter-Library Loan" System to do that.

The title is "Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains."

Its author is a man named J. R. MacDuff.

The book was published in 1867 ... but a few libraries in the nation still have a copy.

(Emory University here in the Atlanta area does, for example.)

The book studies 17 "death scenes" of Scripture. 

And each chapter is beautiful!

Gather around and glean spiritual nuggets of gold and silver (not to mention diamonds and rubies) from the death accounts of men like Abraham, Jacob, Joshua, Eli, Samuel, David and many more!

He even includes some lesser known people of Scripture:  Barzillai, Hiel (a classic), Jehoiada and even Manasseh!

Plus some un-named folks like the widow's son at Nain!

And Jesus' death of course is not overlooked!

It has 317 pages of great reading!

If you have questions about the book ... or trying to get a loaned copy for personal use ... let me know.  I will answer your inquiries if I can.

Good News:  It's Tuesday around noon and I've received an e-mail from a Brother in North Carolina who has found this book on the Internet!  Go here and enjoy:  www.gracegems.org (then look for books ... then for MacDuff ... then for "Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains!")


                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell





I first saw this book on a shelf in a Pastor's study.  This was just a couple of weeks ago. Immediately the Lord "warmed" my heart by the very title!

"Whatever Happened To Worship?"

That's what the title asked me!

It is a series of sermons by the old Christian and Missionary Alliance Preacher named A. W. Tozer.

Now I have never been a big Tozer fan.

But, again just based on what I thought was the "prompting" of the Spirit, I glanced through the Book.

I knew immediately that I needed to order a copy.

I did.

It came in the mail.

I have read it this week while preaching a revival in North Carolina.

It is GOOD!

I recommend it to you heartily!

It is short ... and paperback ... having only 10 chapters (or sermons). 

It contains a total of only 128 pages.

But some of them are "dynamite!"

My heart has been warmed by these words of the godly old Canadian preacher.

Yours will be too.

And is not the real need of our churches and our families and our lives in reality to get back to the true WORSHIP of God?

I rest my case with this verse of Scripture from John 4:23.   "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."

If this is what the Father wants ... it should be what we offer Him from sincere and fervent hearts!

ISBN:  0-87509-367-1

Publisher:  Christian Publications of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

                                                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell





Well, I didn't think I would ever read a book like this.  But I did. 

And I surely didn't dream that I would ever recommend one.  But I am.

It is entitled "Unfit For Command" and is written by two men, John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi. 

The book is an evaluation of the candidacy of Senator John Kerry for the Office of President of the United States.

It is written by and quotes copiously from fellow seamen who served with him during his short time in Vietnam.

All I am going to say is this.  You preachers especially need to read this book.  It may be too expensive to buy new ... obviously it is a newly published volume ... but it can be found used for as little as $12.45 (and I just did a quick search).

It will tell you all you need to know about this man who wants to be our Commander in Chief.

I'm telling you right now ... Democrat, Republican or Independent ... politics aside ... this man is NOT the right man for the American Presidency!

The book has only 216 pages including the index.

It is a short read ... and well worth every minute.

Preachers, we are not political people.  I know that.  I do NOT mix politics and the pulpit.  BUT much is at stake here.  Maybe the future of our nation.  (Then again maybe it's too late either way.)

Your people will look to you for counsel in all areas of life ... including the elections. Be informed so you can give them both Bible answers and historical facts.

By the way, I am NOT going to vote for ANYBODY ... no matter what Party they represent ... who believes in abortion and supports the homosexuals and belittles the Bible and God in public life!

If you can't afford the book new or used, check with your local library.  They will often purchase a book simply on the recommendation of a patron.  (And YOU are a patron if you pay local taxes!)

                                                                               --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




I finished the book Tuesday.  It is great! 

The only problem is that it's not for sale.  It is unpublished!

But I can tell you how to get a copy!

It is a dissertation (a thesis) written for a Doctor of Philosophy Degree at a well-known Bible College.

It contains 216 full typewritten pages (complete with footnotes and bibliography)!

Its title:  "JOB 28:  THE THEOLOGICAL CENTER OF THE BOOK OF JOB"  The author is Michael J. Petersen.   The material was submitted in August of 1994.

It has given me a whole new perspective on the giant book of Job!

I do believe chapter 28 just may "tie" the whole book together.  (The Holy Spirit often does that!)  This writer actually surveys the WHOLE corpus of Job, beautifully setting it into the context of that  28th chapter!

I recommend the book heartily.  (Get anything good you can on Job.  The fundamental literature here is scarce!)

How can I get that dissertation?

Two ways.

Use your local inter-library loan department.  They can get you a copy to use for a couple of weeks at no charge (usually).  They borrow it directly from the University who owns it.  You may then legally make a copy for yourself.

Or if you prefer, e-mail me and I'll give you specific information on how the University library will MAKE you a copy of the whole work ... for a fee ($25.00) in this case. (That's what I had to do this time.)

And for me ... it was worth every penny! 

                                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




I saw the Book a few weeks ago and liked it.  I just received it in the mail Tuesday.  I have not completed it yet.  It has 40 chapters!  Each  of them seeks to show some picture of Christ from the Book of Genesis.

I believe it is going to have a wealth of information!

Bear in mind ... I am not recommending it yet ... just telling you about it.

I began reading it yesterday and it is GREAT so far!

The author is Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Danville, Kentucky.

Someone order the book and read it with me.

We shall compare notes!

                                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




The Pastor where I'm preaching this week was kind enough to loan me a book for a couple of days.  It is good.

The author is Dr. A. T. Pierson.  It is entitled "Godly Self Control."  It was published many years ago. 

Don't we need more preaching on self-control?  ("Temperance" is the King James word.)

Naturally the book can't be bought in "new" condition.  But I'm sure some of you can find a copy through Inter Library Loan or by means of a used book finder.

I can recommend it to you heartily.  (If anyone finds it, please let me know!)

I have scanned the table of contents for you below: 

                                                  I Regulation of Thought 7

                          II Regulation of the Affections 12

                              III Regulation of Moods 18

                           IV Regulation of Disposition 25

                           V Regulation of the Passions 35

                               VI Regulation of Speech 44

                               VII Regulation of Conduct 54

                               VIII Regulation of Manners 62

                                IX Regulation of Reading 70

                                  X Regulation of Beliefs 80

                                  XI Regulation of Habits 93

                               XII Regulation of Companionship 101

                               XIII Regulation of Nerves 109

                             XIV Regulation of Amusements 117

                                XV Regulation of Purpose 127

                                                                              --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




JULY 15, 2004 (THURSDAY)

I just finished the book yesterday.

It's a paperback.  I bought it because of the subject it treats.  It discusses the annihilation of the Canaanite tribes by Joshua in the days of Israel's conquering their homeland.

It presents the subject from 4 different views.  One is FAR too liberal!  One is a-millennial. But a couple of them are more in line with what we believe.

The book DOES give you some things to ponder!  In fact, I believe the Lord has through it given me a sermon "seed" thought (about the Second Coming of our dear Saviour)!

I do not recommend the book for everyone.  But you Preachers and Teachers might be interested.

It is entitled"  "Show Them No Mercy."

It is published by Zondervan and only has about 200 pages of readable text.

Be careful with these "multi-view" books though.  Don't let them put any non-Biblical thoughts in your mind.  I'll guarantee you this too ... they'll provide you with plenty to preach against!

I do know this.  While some call God's actions in Canaan "genocide" ... I'll still believe God does nothing wrong (ever)!  While I may not understand all He does (or be able to explain it to others) ... HE IS GOD!  And He is never wrong!

He gave those folks 450 years of grace to repent!

That sounds merciful to me!

                                                                        --- Dr. Mike Bagwell



JULY 9, 2004 (FRIDAY)

The book this week is just a paperback.

It is listed in the category of "ancient history."

I have read it because of the "light" it sheds on certain Biblical passages, especially in Paul's writings.

Plus ... the Olympics are to be held this Fall ... and our people will be "tuned" to such themes as racing, boxing and wrestling.  (All of which are mentioned by Paul!)

The book has only 214 pages and is not expensive to buy.

It is titled:  "The Naked Olympics."

The author is Tony Perrottet.

It is published by Random House, not a Christian organization.

The subtitle is:  "The True Story of the Ancient Games."

While the true Olympic games were held nearer Athens than Corinth ... the Greeks did have competition similar to the Olympics every two years very near Corinth.  Perhaps that is why Paul mentions these athletic events so often in his letters to the Greek and Roman people.

The book is a bit too plain in some places for pulpit use, but is loaded with cultural information to aid a discerning preacher or teacher doing research on Paul's athletic texts.

The author makes no claim whatsoever to being a Christian.  He's just a historian applying his skills to this topic.  He HAS done vast research on the Games!

It's been a while since I've read a book with more FACTS page for page!

Listen to some of his chapter topics:  The Greek Sports Craze!  Olympic Boot Camp! Trials of the Ancient Sports Fan!  Blood on the Tracks --- the Chariot Race!  To Race with Immortals!  Theater of Pain --- the Contact Sports!  To the Victors, the Feast!

The book is worth your time and money.

You'll soon be studying Paul again ... in great detail!

Readers are leaders, you know!

                                                                          --- Dr. Mike Bagwell





You all just must read this book!


It is written by a young history professor at Oxford University in England.

His name is Alister McGrath.

In the book he pronounces the death sentence over blatant atheism!

Atheism means the belief in NO GOD!  ("a" in Latin = no, not!   "theos" = God!)

This hardback book with just over 300 pages is worth your time.

He traces the history of the development (and demise) of atheism through its terrible history.

Don't misunderstand me.  The demise of atheism does not necessarily mean the revival of fundamental Bible Christianity either!

But this old world IS swinging back around to a more logical belief in God.  And this writer explain (partly at least) why!

I do not agree with this man on every point of doctrine BUT I'm so glad somebody has taken the time to do the research and present the truth for once!

Beside this book lay the Bible verse:  "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."  Psalm 14:1

If you get a copy, do not pay full price for it.  Use a discount book seller.  If you don't know of one (or two), e-mail me and I'll get you some information.

                                                                 --- Dr. Mike Bagwell




JUNE 22, 2004 (TUESDAY)

The Book is entitled: Rewriting History! (I think it is a satirical reference to Hillary Clinton’s new book called "Living History.")

It is written by a man named Dick Morris, who worked for the Clintons about twenty years!

I normally do NOT recommend any political books for you to read ... but this one is different I believe.

There is a distinct possibility that in the future we (or at least our children) will again face a Presidential Election with the name "Clinton" on the ballot. This time  not "Bill" ... but perhaps his wife Hillary!

In this 300 page book (new ... therefore available only in hardback) Hillary Clinton is presented (with documented proof and testimony) in all her true "character."

It is a frightening picture.

Men of God, we are NOT politicians. We are preachers ... BUT our nation is slipping rapidly and we MUST try to rally the people of God to speak (and vote) their minds!

This book will help you do that for sure!

I recommend it for that purpose.

I do not recommend Dick Morris as a Christian author. (There is not one shred of evidence in this book that the man is saved.) I do not recommend this publisher or generally this kind of reading. BUT these are unusual times in which we live!

Mr. Morris contrasts the Hillary Clinton that the public is seeing right now and the real Hillary with whom he worked for so long. Read and decide for yourself.

He includes a chapter on her politics. Then one on her real core beliefs (frightening)! There’s also a chapter on her "greed." And one on her "get even" tactics too!

Perhaps it would not matter as much ... but the woman is already a Senator ... and may be on her way to even higher aspirations!

If you can’t afford the book or just don’t want to spend the money on a "current events" volume ... ask your local library to purchase a copy for "check-out" purposes. They will likely do so. And that will cost you absolutely nothing!

Folks, we had better pray for our nation!

                                                                     --- Dr. Mike Bagwell


  more book reviews are on the weekly book review archives page!




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