Several thoughts flooded my mind, my heart, as I first read this morning’s verse. Still describing the future Heavenly City, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, which we who are saved will occupy eternally! So Revelation 21:18 is now our focus. “And the building of the wall of it (that City) was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.”
One more fact about the wall (really with more data to follow as the chapter unfolds), it is constructed of “jasper!” By the way, the noun “building” is “endomesis,” used only here in all the Bible. Thus, teachers call the term a “hapax legomenon,” something “written only once” in a whole body of literature. The compound (blended) word means “in (or of) the people.” I think we’re being told that no matter how gorgeous and lavish the City is … without its citizens (born again Believers in Jesus) … it would lose its meaning, to Almighty God! (We all sing “JESUS WILL BE WHAT MAKES IT HEAVEN FOR ME” … while Jesus/God is singing “MY PEOPLE, THE VERY BRIDE OF CHRIST, WILL BE WHAT MAKES IT HEAVEN FOR ME!”)
Oh yes, as I said, the wall consists of “jasper,” a precious stone back when John wrote these words, and still one today. Its substance is beautiful, being both hard (durable) and colorful (pleasant to the eyes). To me here’s more proof God is the Creator! Where are you going to find that much jasper? To build a wall 1,500 miles all the way around a city, it (the wall) being well over 200 feet high. If you’re Almighty, you just “make” it! Create some more! On the spot! Jesus might be doing that right now, today! “I go to prepare a place for you,” He promised in John 14:2. The color of jasper varies … according to all the textbooks. But the older commentators mostly believe it is “diamond” hued, “clear as crystal,” according to Revelation 21:11. That’s what I believe, anyway.
What assorted shades of color, New Jerusalem.
God is indeed an Artist!
And the City itself, it’s “tint?” Our verse again: “And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the CITY was pure gold, like unto clear glass.”
The adjectives “pure” and “clear” both derive from the same word, “katharos.” It means “clean, washed, without blemish!” This is a sinless City! (Cities today are not known for cleanliness, rather for squalor.) No wonder the Jews are to this hour such a clean, hygienic people! Knowing the Torah, the Law, as they do. God gives dozens of admonitions about general cleanliness and sanitation in the Genesis through Deuteronomy Corpus of Scripture! Literally folks, He does.
But “gold,” what monetary value, the whole City! The Greek noun “gold” is “chrusion,” likely from a root verb that means “to be useful!” This is not only an aesthetically lovely place, but a practical, utilitarian One as well! The verb also means “to buy or sell.” Or “to take out a loan!” Business language, banking and finance! None of us would ever be in that unique City (living with God) apart from a Transaction (“gold,” remember) that occurred one day over 2,000 years ago. When Jesus died on the Cross! Made possible human redemption (a “buying” term again) by the shed Blood of God Himself!
Mercy, the doctrine build into a little short descriptive verse of Scripture!
Piled on top of all the previous facts we’ve considered, verses 1-17 … and all those yet to come, verses 19-27. This is truly one of the epoch Chapters of the Bible! A “fulcrum” Chapter, I recently heard a theologian call such Passages, critical even too our understanding of God’s Will, God’s ultimate plan.
More to come tomorrow.
I stand amazed!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell