Of the whole “Pauline Corpus,” including (many believe) 14 Epistles of the New Testament, perhaps his Letter to the Galatians is the most enigmatic! (Pauline Corpus … simply meaning everything the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write, as far as the Biblical Canon is concerned.)
At least to me it is, Galatians. In some ways, “less inviting” than Philippians or Colossians, as examples.
And over these 14 or 15 years of Website Lessons, few series (only 3, in fact) have derived from that Book, from Galatians.
So partly for you dear readers, and partly (not even ashamed, either) for me … I want to study the Epistle written to the Churches of Galatia!
There are parts of his Document (Galatians) I do not fully understand! Particularly some of Paul’s metaphors, word pictures, Bible illustrations he employs in these six chapters.
So beginning today we take the plunge!
Into Galatian’s 149 verses!
It is not Paul’s most peaceful composition!
Nor his kindest!
In reality, it is filled with *shock, tension, debate, even some holy sarcasm!
We shall see, the Lord willing, tomorrow and the ensuing days, likely for the next few weeks!
Will anyone take this journey with me?
“Gazing through Galatians,” one might call our endeavor.
And as we begin, let’s collectively pray this amazing, powerful verse of Scripture: “Lord, open (uncover) our eyes, that we may behold (pay attention to) wondrous (marvelous, surpassing, even “hard” things) things out of thy law, (torah) .” Essentially, out of Thy Word!
To which plea we all say, “Amen!”
— Dr. Mike Bagwell
* Bold verses like: “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?” Galatians 3:1, sounds “dark.”