I am a little late today posting the Lesson.
But what a Text it is!
“When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law!” Galatians 4:4
Why a delay?
Earlier this morning I recorded a new CD Sermon (Hosea chapter 6, verse by verse) to mail to our “financial supporters.” We do this each month. It’s our way of personally saying “thank you” for such faithful generosity!
That (joyfully) takes a while, of course.
I am now writing today’s Lesson, however.
It will be here soon!
Dr. Mike Bagwell
Yesterday driving home Debbie and I ate at a quaint little mountain restaurant.
Yes, the “Cookie Jar!”
Old fashioned farm-grown vegetables, too!
The front porch!
Country dining!
The view driving there, at a scenic roadside parking area!
We thought you might enjoy these pictures.
We love y ‘all!