“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these … idolatry, witchcraft ….” Galatians 5:19-20
After 4 sensual sins, sexual sins … Paul’s list adds 2 (a pair) sins that deal with the supernatural, that function in the area of worship. “Theological sins,” one might term them! And certainly “idolatry” qualities as such.
But, what is “witchcraft?”
The Greek noun is “pharmakeia.” And at its very base (albeit often in the ancient world often associated with idols and demons) the word means “the use or the administering of drugs.” (Our word “pharmacy” is inherent in “pharmakeia,” obviously. In fact, originally “pharmakeia” was simply the practice of medicine, no harm intended.)
Yet in some Biblical expository literature (mainstream commentaries), teachers like John Stott (quoting Lightfoot) defines “pharmakeia” as “the secret tampering with the powers of evil.”
So both ideas must be admitted; drug use (first noble and then ultimately illicit) … but often leading into the world of the paranormal, the realm of “devils.”
If you will remember when Paul first preached to the Ephesians (and they began getting saved by God’s Grace) a number of them gathered, built a bonfire, and burned their “magic” books! That hints at sorcery, demon worship, “pharmakeia.” The exact verse, Acts 19:19 … “Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
And if the Galatians (back when they were lost) practiced some kind of astrology, a “star cult” one expert called it, the words “idolatry and witchcraft” would have been particularly pertinent to them! “Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.” Galatians 4:10, perhaps star gazing! (Then again, perhaps putting themselves under the Jewish “calendar,” as in Leviticus 23.)
One scholar definitely says, “For Paul witchcraft simply meant meddling with demons.”
And lest you think I am wasting time and space today, “witchcraft” is still practiced in the world, even now. Not just in some foreign land, either!
By the way, another scholar (Barclay) says that the practice of (malignant) sorcery (“pharmakeia”) included the development of poisons .. with which to harm (even kill) people!
Yes, as the Roman Empire deteriorated more and more rapidly .. the use of sorcery grew exponentially. So say the historians!
A “fleshly” world honoring demons, for sure!
And a lifestyle diametrically opposed to Spirit filled Christianity! Where Jesus is reverently held to be “preeminent!”
The devil “hates” and “destroys.”
Jesus “loves” and “heals!”
Wow, no choice, seems to me.
— Dr. Mike Bagwell
My quoting certain authors today does NOT include a blanket endorsement of all they write or believe. I merely am using their expertise in the area of etymology, word study.
Tomorrow morning, the Lord willing, we begin to see Paul’s list segue into a number of “social’ sins,” actions (sadly) closer to home for American Christianity I suspect.