Just as Leviticus has at its very heart the idea of “God’s desire to dwell with mankind” … in indescribably sweet communion … so does the Book of Numbers!
And just as Leviticus emphasizes the Priesthood (at its center) … so does the Book of Numbers. (The Priest being the man who helps facilitate that communion, fellowship.)
More particularly, in the “heart” of Leviticus (chapter 10) Aaron’s two sons (one of them potentially in line to be High Priest) sinned egregiously against the Lord God. They offered “strange fire” before God, apparently going (without authorization) into the very Holy of Holies Itself! AND GOD KILLED THEM INSTANTLY!
Because they had soiled (violated) the God treasured “picture/type/symbol” of Fellowship which God so longs to introduce to Israel! That Holy of Holies contained the very Ark of the Covenant, and the august Mercy Seat … where God lived so as to “be” in Israel’s presence!
That way of APPROACH TO ALMIGHTY GOD must be maintained at all costs! And Nadab and Abihu willfully and blatantly failed in this respect, in drawing near the Lord God.
Don’t you see Leviticus’ emphasis in all this? God with man and man with God, in sweet Harmony! That’s why the priesthood! That’s why the Tabernacle! That’s why those Offerings! That’s why those Laws about purity!
Now we look at the Book of Numbers. At its very heart (chapters 16 and 17) the High Priesthood is again under attack, under question!
We will get more specific in tomorrow’s Lesson, the Lord willing. Looking at Numbers 16 and 17 where THREE situations arise … each challenging (or proving in the face of such challenge) Aaron’s position as High Priest!
Again, this vital Communion (firstly God with man and then consequently man with God) is brought into doubt, placed under suspicion!
First, Numbers 16:1-40 … the rebellion of Korah … directed against Moses AND AARON!
Then Numbers 16:41-50 … nationwide discontent, grumbling, rebellion resulting from the Korah incident … against Moses AND AARON!
Finally Numbers 17:1-13 … God powerfully proving again that AARON AND HIS SONS (the Tribe of Levi) were to be the priests among Israel! Priests (again) to officiate the sweet Communion God desires with man!
So … the Book of Numbers does (at its very heart) reemphasize the grand teaching of the Book of Leviticus!
So that some bright day … the Goal of all the Pentateuch (with Leviticus at its center) will be realized … “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Revelation 21:3
More detail tomorrow, Lord willing.
— Dr. Mike Bagwell