There was a day in America when true Christianity was admired, respected … even by lost people.
But Paul the Apostle lived to be considered as merely the “scum” of the earth.
But let me give you his words: “We are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.” 1 Corinthians 4:13
We who love Jesus and pursue discipleship well may (yes, in America) soon face such demeaning hatred, or something close to it.
The verb translated “are made” is spelled “ginomai” in Greek, meaning “to become.” Things (in our Country) may not be that bad (us being like “filth”) yet … but could easily turn that way! In Paul’s case here, “ginomai” is framed as an aorist verb, that indicates Paul is already undergoing the “filth” and “offscouring” reputation!
Then the noun “filth” is “perikatharma,” the scum washed off a very dirty pot so it might be used again! That’s how the Jews who hated Paul really felt!
And its counterpart, “offscouring,” is spelled “peripsema.” a synonym here. Indicating the “useless crust” rubbed (with great effort) off any vile implement or tool or vessel!
In Greek culture “peripsema” was a term used for a good-for-nothing, low-life criminal who would be sacrificed (thrown alive into the ocean) to please the god of the sea (Poseidon) to bring peace to a community, to protect one’s family!
One who died for the sake of others!
When I was first saved I mainly delighted in “missing Hell!” In owning a “mansion” in Glory! In enjoying my relationship with the Lord Jesus! LITTLE DID I SUSPECT THIS “FILTH” THING, THIS “OFFSCOURING” NOMENCLATURE!
Yet Paul endured it!
Jesus did as well.
So did all the Prophets!
And we (sill in America I mean) might too in days ahead.
Maybe we had better brace ourselves (through the Word of God and prayer) for such name calling.
One entire political party (looks like to me) has become anti-Christian in its platform, no matter what they say to the contrary!
Oppose such things as baby-killing and same sex marriage (a paradox from the beginning) … and see what they call you!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell