“But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death …” Hebrews 2:9a
Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth in a human body, virgin born. Yes, made “lower” than the very angels He had created!
Why did He come, why that first “Christmas?”
To grow sinlessly into manhood and to die on the Cross for our sins!
Which He did, thereafter being raised from the Dead, from the Grave by His Father in Heaven!
But the whole Paragraph there in Hebrews (Hebrews 2:5-9) needs to be discussed, to more fully understand the plight of humanity and the Salvation Jesus offers!

So, if you’re interested … watch tonight’s “Evening Meditation.” Twenty-something minutes of Bible study on this great Truth!
Christmas is not about us … it is about Him and His love for us!
Best exhibited on an old rugged cross!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell
No wonder the successful Saviour now sits at His Father’s Right Hand! How else could it be?