Yes, the first Line of the 45th Psalm uses that very verb, “inditing.”
But what does it mean?
Here’s the first Sentence in the Verse, King James Version … “My heart is inditing a good matter.”
First, let me mention that the Object of this inditing is the noun “matter.” This is simply spelled “dabar” in Hebrew. It’s a word found 1,439 times in the Bible. and over 800 of those times it is translated “word.” Very often as the “Word” of God!
I really think the Psalmist is referring to the Words that proceed out of the Mouth of God. He has been “inditing” Scripture!
Now to our verb … “inditing” is “rachash” in Hebrew. (Accent the second syllable when pronouncing it.)
To complicate matters, the verb is only used one time in all the Bible, obviously right here!
But its lexicon meaning is … “to keep (something) moving!” Actually “to stir” something. In other words, producing life and vibrancy and enthusiasm!
Let’s put together the verb and its object … “inditing a matter, inditing a word.”
“My heart is inditing a good matter.”
And if this Word is God’s Word, Holy Writ, it is here catalogued as “good!” Amen to that! The GOOD (“tob” in Hebrew) Word of God! (“Wealthy, precious beautiful,” a few of the translations of that term in the King James Version of the Bible!)
And now the subject of the Sentence … the Psalmist himself! His heart, his mind, his soul!
And as he (wisely) ponders, recalls, meditates upon the Word of God … His heart is stirred, his mind is warmed, his soul is refreshed!
Now let’s all stop and immediately go to our Bibles!
Spend some time “in” the Word and see if you are not (also) “stirred!”
Yes, the Bible is indeed a living Book!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell