A depiction of Noah’s Ark, while under construction!
Debbie and I recently visited the Creation Museum not far from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Today’s Lesson …
In our area a mighty draught has taken hold. Ground dry, grass dead, forest fires aplenty! But I am remembering a time when it rained on earth … forty days and forty nights!
Genesis 7:12 records such an event: “And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.”
I am preparing (have been for months) a series of Sermons from the Book of Genesis, chapters 1-11 of that great Bible Text of Origins.
I will (at least) be highlighting Creation week, the Fall of mankind (when sin first tainted humanity), the world-wide Flood, and the Tower of Babel.
Would you pray with me about these Messages, please?
Noah is called, in 2nd Peter 2:5, a “Preacher of Righteousness.” And the Ark he built is a precious Picture (Type, Symbol) of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In fact, I am now wondering if a whole group of Sermons could be preached just using the Ark, the Flood, and Noah as points of exposition. Doctrine, Prophecy, Admonition, Wisdom … every major area of Bible proclamation could be mined from the “Flood Narrative” of Genesis.
And yes, in the end … the Ark rested safely on Mount Ararat! Just like those of us who are “in” Christ Jesus … will absolutely land safely on the shores of Glory some day!
But, is the Story of the Ark and accompanying Flood relevant today?
Jesus thought so. Speaking of His Second Coming … “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37
Yes, I want to preach this soon!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell