The dark “night” of Israel’s existence is about to pass! “Morning” is coming! That’s one way the Old Testament Prophets saw their little Country, their Homeland. Even Zephaniah, our subject for the last few weeks, agrees! Days of unprecedented blessing yet await Judah!
This morning our Text is Zephaniah 3:9-10. “For then will I (the Lord) turn to the people (the Jews) a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.”
A people whose language has been corrupted, via too close company with the wicked, will get Divine tutoring on a “pure” language. I suspect a return to her “Mother Tongue,” ancient Hebrew. The adjective used here for “pure” is “barar,” meaning “polished” as well! “Bright!”
But the language is restored for a reason … “that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.” Then God, presumably, loves to hear His children pray!
Notice too in the foregoing clause that the Lord equates “calling” on Him and “serving” Him! If you “pray” to Him, enjoying His Blessings … you should also “serve” him daily! Is the second the result of the first? Or is it “automatic,” if we really PRAY we will invariably really SERVE?
Either way, the two actions are linked.
Then note that the Lord is planning to “recall” His people to the Land! “From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.”
This is Revival!
God’s “suppliants,” a word based on the Hebrew term “abundance,” are bringing Him an “offering!” From around the wortd, these being part of the “dispersion.” (Leviticus 26:33 clearly tells us that if Israel disobeys God … He will so “scatter” her, as in this prophecy: “And I will scatter you among the heathen.” An event of history now, “heathen” simply meaning the “gentile nations.”)
Ethiopia in our (King James) Bible is often expressed as the nation “Cush.” Even here in our verse today “Ethiopia” is spelled that way, “Kush.”
Lots of returning “converts,” eager to worship the Lord their God, with “offerings.” And “minchah” means “sacrifice, present, gift, tribute!”
Gift giving is a natural outflow of real love!
These two verses now set the “mood” for much to follow in Zephaniah.
Indeed, God usually saves the BEST for LAST! In the lives of His followers anyway.
— Dr. Mike Bagwell
The Lord willing, another Zephaniah Lesson tomorrow morning.