We have all heard of meditating on God’s Word. But what about meditating on God’s Work? What an idea!
Listen to Asaph, the intellectual Psalmist. “I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.” Psalm 77:12 is our Text here.
The verb “meditate” is itself quite interesting. “Hagah” it is spelled. It actually means “to moan, to groan, to growl” … then more practically, “to speak.” But most often “to speak in low, often undiscernible tones.”
To talk sort of “under one’s breath.”
And the word is only used 25 times in the entire Bible!
Next … God’s “work” is “poal” in Hebrew. God’s “deeds,” the things He has “enacted.”
Like the sunrise!
Or the full moon!
Or the orbit of Pluto!
To see God macroscopically (in big things) or microscopically (in small things) … to watch what God has created … is astounding.
Upon proper inspection, His “doings” indeed make one “talk” a lot! Or at least they should! The human heart, or brain … why there’s enough wonder and skill there to talk and think a lifetime!
“I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.”
See also how the Holy Spirit aligns “meditate” with “talk?” They are actually parallel in this verse. And the verb “talk” here is “siyach,” the other Bible verb for “meditating!” It means “to muse, study, ponder,” then “to speak or declare.”
Captivated by God!
Overwhelmed, overcome!
So … suddenly He is all you can think … or discuss!
Quite a change from Asaph’s earlier words!
Let’s try this technique today, Asaph’s strategy.
This morning I’m flying home from a Revival Meeting. And as I see the clouds outside my window (yes, always a window seat if possible) or notice some river or lake below (not a seat over the wing, please) … I plan to “meditate” on God’s beautiful works!
And when I get home, I’ll tell Debbie about what I saw and the Lord Who designed it all. She calls Him “our Wonderful Creator,” in fact.
“I will meditate also of all thy work, Lord, and talk of thy doings.”
Truthfully, this can be done anytime, anywhere!
And it sure beats morbid introspection!
Occupation with Christ!
By the way, meditate some on how He saved you too!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell