We’ve just been talking (for nearly a month) about Jesus’ Virgin Birth.
Then suddenly yesterday, His Death.
And now?
His “Ascension?”
His Return to Glory is that important!
Paul wrote, reviewing Jesus’ Life, these words, First Timothy 3:16. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” Note the first and last Events in this Holy Spirit generated list … the BIRTH (“manifested in the flesh”) and the ASCENSION (“received up into Glory”) of our Lord. Surely these “bookends” to Jesus’ Ministry are critically important!
Then again the Apostle John uses this same line of thought. From the little island of Patmos, Revelation 12:5. Speaking of Israel (the woman here) and Jesus (the Child): “And she brought forth a Man Child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her Child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Again a list that begins with Jesus’ BIRTH (“brought forth a Man Child”) and concludes with Jesus’ ASCENSION (“caught up unto God, and to His Throne”).
Neither of these Passages belittle Jesus’ Death, Burial and Resurrection, of course. That grand Gospel Emphasis (its very crux, its heart) is told elsewhere in the New Testament, again and again.
But these Passages DO show us how vital Jesus’ RETURN TO HEAVEN must have been.
Yes, right now … the little Baby about Whom we’ve heard so much … is now grown and sitting and co-ruling the universe! At the Right Hand of His Father!
He too, as our Saviour and great High Priest … is interceding (praying) for us hour by hour!
Not just a Babe in a manger, is He?
But also … the ASCENDED Lord of life!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell