It was an ultra busy day, for sure. I preached this month’s CD Bible study and duplicated a number of copies. Then Debbie and I mailed our “Thank You” letters for the month. And in the midst of all that busyness … I did not write the Website Bible Study, Devotional.
So, at nearly Midnight on a Friday in early July … here is a thought the Lord just showed me.
It is lifted from Psalm 21:13, the last Verse of the Poem … “Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.”
Obviously, it’s a prayer, these words.
But it calls for God to be adored, exalted NOT on the Basis of His Love or Mercy or Lovingkindness. Or even to be magnified for His Sovereignty, Omniscience (knowing all), Veracity (being pure Truth, incapable of lying), Immutability (never changing) or any other of His many Attributes.
This Text Verse pleads for God to be exalted on the Basis of His Own “Strength!” In Hebrew this word means “to prevail!” Mighty in Battle!
“Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.”
For God to be exalted of His “Power.” A word whose cognate (relative) means “Chief, Champion, Giant, One Who excels!”
Power to create, and worlds on display to prove such!
Power to save, even lost sinners from Hell!
Power to overcome the enemy, even Antichrist some day!
And Power to meet our every need, dear Christian friend!
Just before His Ascension to Heaven, forty days after His Resurrection … Jesus said: “ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH.”
Let’s sing unto Him, the all Powerful One!
Let’s praise His Strength indeed!
— Dr. Mike Bagwell
When I think of His Power, I feel so secure as a Christian, so at peace! So “in His Hand!”